[All] Tweaking the Bounty system

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by James The App Guy, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. First I will address the fact many will call me a whiner over this, but since I once was guilty of abusing placing bounties on others, I would be one of those same people calling me such if I was still doing it today.

    That being said, the way bounties can be made should be tweaked. As it stands, anyone of any level can bounty anyone of any other level. This allows for people hundreds & even thousands of levels higher than another person to place a bounty on someone that has no chance of retaliating or if they do, it is a suicide mission to do so. Yes, there is the option to do bounty traps, but that too can be nearly impossible at times as well.

    A good example is a situation I find myself in whereas an individual has chosen myself as a never ending victim of their bounties. The individual is well over 5000 levels higher than I am, & can place multiple bounties each day on me due to their extremely high income. However, in comparison to my income, it takes over 45 hours in order for me to save the money to place a single bounty trap on that person. A bit lopsided.

    Although the difference in level wasn't as high when I was doing similar, I had gotten it in my mind that I would torment people that angered me relentlessly & since when I would try to attack I would get that annoying message: "[INSERT NAME] is out of your XP range." that left me to keep them dead through bounties. I know several people that simply stopped playing because of my actions.

    I believe there are two simple remedies to this:
    1. The person must be within your XP range the same as required to attack them.
    2. Make it so that in order to place a bounty on someone outside of your XP range, they must first appear on your Rival List.
    If you want to bounty someone outside of your XP range, go the old fashioned route & provoke a fight with a punch or pistol whip or similar option. If they respond you can return the attack or place the bounties.

    This could eliminate a number of issues which appear within the game such as cheating by people posting bounties using an alt in order to get the bounty with a primary account (or the opposite thereof) or the using of bounties as a method to be abusive or bully other players such as I am guilty of having done in the past & currently am a victim of (perhaps Karma is paying me back).
  2. AlterEgoT

    AlterEgoT Well-Known Member

    I think the better solution would be to fix the disparity in income myself.

    I'd also like to add. With the often non existent Fightlists. The Bounty system might as well be scrapped altogether if you can only list in your xp range.

    Or why not just do away with squad since you can't significantly help them if you aren't all around the same level.

    Sorry gotta disagree with this one. It's part of the very essence of why many play this game. To hunt and list.
  3. No way! Add another city with more properties.
  4. Although I do agree that it is ridiculous the costs of placing hits on some, limiting who you can and cant list would make things worse as far as game play.
    AlterEgoT likes this.
  5. I don't know about nonexistent fight lists - never had any with so few that I couldn't at least get my daily gamer points for battles in any of the games, even if that list was just the dead list. Heck, several of the people I've been attacking on the main fight list in LCN on Server2 show as being online yet when I clicked on their name, it popped up that the account no longer existed. If it doesn't exist how can they not only appear on the list but also appear on the list as being online? As to hunting the bounty list... last night in the 4 hours I was logged into LCN, VC, & PC a combined total of less than a dozen bounties appeared among all of the games.

    As to adjusting for the income disparity, what would be the point of making it more equal between people of such vast level differences. If a person who has played enough to be thousands of levels higher than another person & earned income to buy property to that effect, why should the game allow for people that haven't worked as hard be rewarded equally to someone that has? That would be like going to work at a new job as a janitor & expecting to be paid the same as the CEO of the company just so it's fair.

    As to squad - not sure what that term applies to - but if it's in relation to guild/armada/syndicate/(whatever in ZS), you can always attack anyone who asks for help even if it's just a punch/axe slap/pistol whip/(whatever in ZS). I've done that to people far below my XP range trying to provoke them into a fight when they've attacked fellow members.

    If it's a matter of needing people to hunt on a bounty list, the game can randomly place inactive accounts on the bounty list for people to hunt. I doubt that would be a short list - I have more than a couple hundred in my members alone in the games that show on the activity list as not having played in months & even years. So, a supply of accounts that the game could randomly add to the bounty list to fill in for the loss of personally placed bounties would be more than made up for.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2014
  6. Perhaps that last part of my last post would make for a good suggestion:

    Have the games randomly post to the bounty lists player accounts that have been inactive for X number of days or greater. The games could choose them randomly like every 15 or 30 minutes & post them.
  7. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    The inactives already do get listed by KANO, they are called God bounties.
    James The App Guy likes this.
  8. Right now I see some from The Godfather on LCN & Davy Jones on PC, but I simply thought those were actual players - are those what are considered God bounties?
  9. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Yup, it's exactly how you described it. If haven't played in X days= get's listed randomly.
  10. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Level 300+ and have not played in 6 months, last I can remember.
    James The App Guy likes this.
  11. Thanks for the clarification on that mi7ch. I can appreciate the time & effort it takes to read & respond to posts around the forum having once been in a similar position with Clipwire Games as a member of their Nitrous Racing Dev Community Support Team. In addition to constantly scanning forums for ideas to discuss amongst our team to present to the Devs, we also had to beta-test everything before it got released to the other players... sometimes with a last minute's notice & ridiculous deadlines to meet. So, again, thank you for taking the time to respond.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2014

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