Top Squad Updates

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Ben Christner, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. Ben Christner

    Ben Christner New Member

    Is there a way to update your top squad with the newer information of your squad members? I have 2 of them that are stuck at lvl 3, and I know that these squad members have leveled up in the meantime. What is the way to update the squad members?
  2. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    This isn't an idea and should be moved to general discussions. They will eventually update. Give time.
  3. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Has been moved out of ideas and into general discussions as god of bacon said it depends when the servers update with the new information but they eventually will do it themselves. If it doesn't happen then please send a ticket to support with your gamer link and they will take a look at it for you. The support link is below my signature.

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