Top 50??

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Armageddon Hisham, Dec 9, 2010.

  1. Now this is not fair at all, guilds that landed in ranks that ranged from at least 20 to 11 landed the top 50 trophy. There should be a trophy for at least top's just not right :S and especially for those who came at rank 11, got the top 50 trophy for getting passed by just one guild :eek:!! .......we worked much harder than those who landed in rank 50..please consider this issue and provide an appropriate reward..thnxs for your time

    Armageddon The Ferocious Lord
    Level 1522, Merchant Viking
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2010
  2. yea looks so far far away
  3. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    A top 20 finish should be rewarded separately from the top 50. Maybe we we could exchange the silly lil participation ribbon for a top 20 ribbon. Just a thought.
  4. thnxs for supporting the idea guys :) the most frustrated guild is the one that landed in rank 11 :S, from top 10 to top 50 just like that LOL..hope Kendell takes the idea into consideration...i know it may seem not that important when compared to other issues, but these little things give us motive to play more and keep the game exciting for everyone :D..

    Armageddon The Ferocious Lord
    Level 1524, Merchant Viking

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