throttled again

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by slave, Apr 4, 2013.

  1. slave

    slave Member

    Dear kano,

    fix this....
    it is slanted to people who run a lot of attacks
    but im tired of being penalized because i have the stamina to do so....

    Your User Id: 1358875875
    Joined 858 days ago

    please post my information leading up to my tripping the throttle numerous times
    i give you my consent and release to show when i started attacking and how many attacks i did to trip your untrippable by human hand throttle (even though it was a human hand that tripped it). Now granted it took me 3500 consecutive attacks to trip the throttle. However if it was set up right, i shouldnt have tripped it just because of the sheer qty of attacks.
    I should have tripped it if i exceeded a number of attacks in a short period, going after someone with 3 billion health is not going to be a short period of time. i leveled up twice in going after this target, i stopped and spent my energy in between, and yet i was still tripping out your meter which is SET UP INCORRECTLY.

    there is no other explanation for it, i dont use auto clicking, or anything automated unless you call a finger automated.
    again i hereby give my consent to kano to release information on this past arena leading up to the point where i tripped the throttle in arena, so that everyone can see what it takes to trip the throttle and how many attacks i did leading up to the tripping and what the time frame of the duration of attacking was, and how many attacks i did in that duration.

    i believe it was somewhere in the neighborhood of 4300 total attacks on one person. And i wasnt the only person that tripped the throttle on this target.....
  2. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    Thanks for the heads up again Slave, and for your detailed account. We'll look everything over again.

    I'm not going to post your data, although I do appreciate your willingness to have it posted. Thanks for being patient with this while we figure it out.

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