[ZS] This week in dev... TGIF!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Kendall, May 26, 2012.

  1. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator


    After an unintentional hiatus (mid-April was last review of ideas), we did a mad sweep to catch-up on all the latest ideas, we still have quite a few to process but we made some good headway. 3 have been rejected and 12 have been accepted. Ones that were accepted have been moved to our internal issue tracking to be prioritized against other on-going projects and once our bigger projects have been released aka. Battle arena we will start knocking off a lot of these ideas.

    Currently we have 1 idea board, we will be looking to split out to an idea section for each game to limit comments / feedback to the idea only from players of that game.

    Ideas is something we realize we have been falling behind on and will be investing more time in to catch-up, respond and take action on ideas brought forth by players.

    If you have an idea or suggestion for improvement that you would like to see in Zombie Slayer, please raise it as an idea:


    Content Updates:

    • Vancouver Co-op Boss Lumberjack
    • Vancouver Challenge
    • Vancouver Crafting Items
    • New Fortitude and Climb the Corporate Ladder Achievements

    Player Bans:

    • 3 permanent bans

    Zombie Slayer Community and Kano/Apps

    Over the past 6-months we have been making efforts in improving Zombie Slayer’s Community, looking to make it a positive and welcoming place for players to come have their ideas, complaints and any discussion heard (within reason). We have made some great headway but still have more improvements to make.

    Kano/Apps strives to be a developer that listens to their players, ie. that’s why we set up an idea board for the game duhhh. We may not always agree with everyones ideas but that does not mean we do not listen and review each one before making a decision. We also understand that we have lots of passionate players, and that’s great, but if you have an idea we would appreciate it if you could try to describe the issue at hand without getting angry or heaven forbid calling the devs idiots, we are here listening but for some reason when a posts “ragometer” goes up the credibility of the post to us goes down when reviewed. Posts that are presented in a clear, calm and logical way will always get the best reaction from us.

    We have been slowly building up a team of Mods to help grow and build the community in a positive way. Please respect them and understand that they are players just like you. If you feel that a mod is overstepping their bounds please contact us through support specifying the issue so that we can follow-up. Mods are here to moderate the forum, that includes managing threads that go against our terms of use along with topics that are “de-focusing” the issue/point of the thread.

    And who is Kano/Apps well we are an indie developer with dedicated people (well all dudes right now) that are passionate about making social games and applications. We want to be a developer that is known for listening to their players, so work with us, dial back the rage and bring your ideas (without name calling) while trying to be as detailed as possible with the issue or idea at hand.

    We are reasonable devs and if you are curious you read more about our team here:


    If you are slaying zombies in the USA have a great long weekend! Kendall out!

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  2. L1LOne

    L1LOne Active Member

    I agree. Devs, although are weird at times...however they are ALOT more lenient and put up with a lot of crap. Other games, Devs would just say Eff off and ban you. Cut Kano some slack. After all they are human!. I've grown to like Dan, he's helped me ALOT. I have Kano on speed dial just in case Lmao. Just be patient, is all Kano is saying. Things and updates take time and $. SO chill people.
    Last edited: May 30, 2012
  3. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    amen :) :) :) :)

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