KANO should eliminate rewards for people entering in GUILD WARS but never play and use their TOKENS!Others spend stamina and FP and these people only collect awards!Thus will born parasites!
great idea, 10 from me...people should never get something for nothing and in response to elise, not everyone in the guild can control who is in it
If these things are that important , then leaders might screen their members more carefully and really know their members,but on the other hand the top 15 members who join, even if they don't play ,their stats contribute to the guild/faction/ what have you,strenght , that is my understanding.
My idea is to be droped awards for parasitic players I do not need opinions as to what should be done into the guild.Example, we are a factory with a which employs a fixed number of people some work others do not come to work wages will be obtained if the job is done well but at the end of the month all receive salaries.This is the reason for the birth of new parasites!And replacement of the guild members will not guarantee that the new member will be different.
We could possibly implement a similar mechanic to the one we have in the Battle Arena where someone has to make a minimum of 100 actions to be considered "active" and claim their rewards. Would this be something you would be interested in seeing implemented for the Wars?
If I understand correctly about symbionts.To it is a matter not here. Officers should engage control fraction.
Well if you post an opinion, ya have to expect others to have one also. Whether you want or agree with their opinions , it is just how it goes . Besides there are no guarantees in games or in life
I have not pushed the issue I have a problem with my guild.Yes indeed we have an inactive player which is apologize every time by his bad health(I see that all inactive mini accounts apologize with bad health)but his health is always good after guild wars when he collect the reward for doing nothing.Now is health problem where he was before? Joined 1796 days ago level 1673...Others believe him and do not give a word to be said to be kicked from the guild.The problem is not only our such as that player who pretend to be crafty many others will find an interesting way of making coins and FP (join in hight ranking guild and wait... others will works for you)That would be paradise for inactive mini accounts.If you set a requirement for a minimum number of attacks will happen end of this!Unable to earn awards inactive players !I hope you understand what I mean -this is not personal problem,not guild problem this overall problem !I'm not insensitive to human problems but this is a game I want to play here without drama
It is guild problem. Not developers. You can change guild, make new guild or ask leader to kick them.
i am in agreement with elise on this one. although her english is blunt, she has a point. if you have an inactive in your guild and you want to do good in the guild wars then boot their ass...if your leader or officers refuse then join a guild that gives a crap
I never wanted my own guild to be a leader or officer I am in hight ranking guild and I am pleased!And I am sorry but you do not understand the problem.This player will be not removed and will continue to parasitize...I suggest it to end not only for him but for others like him !
Im understood your problem. Im make 20 kills on GW and make 80 000, but in guild 2 players with 0 GW points. On GW im send to all inactive players (6 on second day) pm whis asking to help on GW. Now Im ask leader to kick 2 inactive player but he dont answer me. Also he deprived me of the officer staus, and now i think about change guild. But im dont ask developers to help me in my problem. It is "family deal".
i completely understand the problem and like i said previously, its up to your guild leaders to bring in or kick out people, the right people and apparently thats not happening. that is not kanos problem. if guilds want to let people leech off of their success then so be it. you should be messaging your guild leader about this, not the forum