The New LE Items & Why They're Getting Better/Stronger

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Easy To Remember, Dec 19, 2014.

  1. Easy To Remember

    Easy To Remember Well-Known Member

    Over the last few months, I have noticed that the weekly LE (Limited Edition) Godfather Items have continually been getting better/stronger in relationship to their Attack & Defense strengths in one of the three Equipment Item Categories: Weapon, Armor, and Vehicle. It seems that Kano has been offering new items each week that continue to top the previous weeks Items with their respective Attack & Defense strengths. For example, you may have purchased the "Red Tiger Tank" Vehicle Item a few weeks ago (like me), with 382 Attack / 169 Defense, (cost: 30 Favor Points) only to see the "Underdog Van" Item become available just a short time later with 390 Attack / 174 Defense (cost: 30 Favor Points) making the "Red Tiger Tank" you had recently purchased basically become obsolete/irrelevant (in the sense that it is no longer the strongest Vehicle Attack Item). I could continue repeating the list of other Items like that, but it would make such a long Post, and I'm sure that I can't be the only person who has noticed this "trend"! While viewing this weeks LE Items, I see they are offering a "Pinstripe Fedora" with 174 Attack / 397 Defense which are the EXACT same strengths as the "Legendary Nuclear Shield Suit" I supposedly "won" when I spent a small fortune on the first "Gold Crates" (and the Crate is a very similar, but completely different story in itself) - please let it be known that I am NOT happy that an Item with the EXACT strengths of one of my "Legendary Items" I supposedly "won" is currently available for a cost of 30 Favor Points! After noticing this "trend" some time ago, I am continually asking myself if I should purchase a specific LE Item or not (knowing that it won't be long before a better/stronger one becomes available), and then debating whether it's worth waiting for that better/stronger LE Item when it inevitably and eventually is offered for sale a very short time later. From a business standpoint, this is a great way to increase sales BUT: as a customer, I keep asking myself when will it end? Should we just continue NOT buying the current LE Items knowing that better/stronger ones (in some shape or form) will be available the next week? If this "trend" continues, soon enough the weekly LE Godfather Items will be better/stronger than the "Legendary Items" I acquired from purchasing SO many of the "Gold Crates" at a hefty cost of 50 Favor Points for one and 140 Favor Points for three, attempting to acquire all three of the "Legendary Items" that were available at that time (which turned out to be a HUGE mistake because they already have a new "Late Autumn" Crate with better/stronger "Legendary Items" than were available at the time of the initial "Gold Crate" release) - had I known when I purchased so many of those "Gold Crates" that they would be coming out with newer/better/stronger "Gold Crate" "Legendary Items" so soon after, I would have only bought a very small fraction of the "Gold Crates" I purchased at that time!
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.
  2. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    This is certainly not anything new; I'm sure that a lot of our longer time players will tell you that Limited items on sale during the game's infancy were much weaker than what we are offering today. The steady progression of item strength is most likely going to continue, however I agree it is something we should keep an eye on going forward (I'm not a game designer, though, but I'll definitely share this thread with ours). We're also looking into ways to make old Limited items retain some of their usefulness and I hope I can talk more about that in the new year. :)
  3. Easy To Remember

    Easy To Remember Well-Known Member

    I realize I have only been playing LCN for 195 days now, but I have two computer degrees used to make my living which has most definitely played a big factor in my coming to understand this game and learning how to play. When I first began playing, the weekly LE Godfather Items I am speaking of (the Equipment Items that cost 30 Favor Points) would (for the most part) retain their combined Attack & Defense strength total values from week-to-week, which was in the neighborhood of 532 (when adding the Attack & Defense number values of the Items). As of approximately 2-3 months ago, that overall combined number of 532 has continually increased very rapidly unlike the first 100 days I played LCN (and have also conferred with several very long time players who are in agreement that the weekly LE Godfather Items have never continually risen in total overall strength like they have been for some time now). Also, we have been given the opportunity to "win" a "Legendary Item" with an Attack strength of over 400 (the "Equinox Rifle"), which has NEVER been seen before (by me, or ANY of the longtime players I have spoken with regarding this matter - some of whom are among the oldest players in the game). I like that Kano is offering new, stronger Items, but I believe they are being offered too easily and too fast! Try to envision purchasing "Gold Crate" upon "Gold Crate" a short time ago when they were first offered in an attempt to "win" the "Legendary Items" - in particular, the "Legendary" "Nuclear Shield Suit" with strength values of 174 Attack / 397 Defense, and then a very short time later, ANYONE with 30 Favor Points can now essentially purchase that EXACT Item: the "Pinstripe Fedora" 174 Attack / 397 Defense, making my Nuclear Shield Suits not so "Legendary" anymore, and that is the main point I am hoping to help Kano realize and hopefully agree that this really isn't fair to people like me who would have made their Equipment/"Gold Crate" purchases MUCH differently knowing these new stronger Items would soon become available!
  4. foxysiren

    foxysiren Well-Known Member

    As mi7ch said there are some of us longer time players who have been playing for some 1900 odd days and we have items which we paid gfs for and they have worse values than free drops we get today.
    Grab a ticket and get in line ;)
  5. Easy To Remember

    Easy To Remember Well-Known Member

    That is EXACTLY what I am saying though - lately, the LE Items have been continually getting stronger and stronger like never before, and therefore IS something new! ;)
  6. foxysiren

    foxysiren Well-Known Member

    Well the waiting time is currently 12 months for me so....
  7. Easy To Remember

    Easy To Remember Well-Known Member

    It was only a few months ago that the LE Items started becoming more powerful and more powerful - I remember when the LE Items would maintain their total combined strength of about 534 (when adding the Attack & Defense strengths), but would not go over that combined strength of 534 from week-to-week. I realize this may be worse for someone like you and the other very long time players, but the Items continue to get stronger on a weekly basis now (like never before)..
  8. foxysiren

    foxysiren Well-Known Member

    I am guessing you buy just 1 item at a time? These items are right up to date with good stats and are not only used for personal loadout but are included in your inventory aswell. Unfortunately some people purchased say 100 gf items at a time when the stats were not so good i.e under 300 combined total. I really can't see what you are complaining about.
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.
  9. Easy To Remember

    Easy To Remember Well-Known Member

    I'm not complaining about anything - I'm simply trying to figure out if the LE Items will continue to get stronger as they have been, and it seems they will!
  10. Easy To Remember

    Easy To Remember Well-Known Member

    If you only own one Item and use it in your Loadout, it will NOT be used for your Inventory Items - you MUST purchase two of an Item if you want to use it for your Loadout and count as a used Inventory Item! ;)
  11. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Um, no your wrong, item "if in loadout" still accounts to item in inventory as well. Loadout just accounts using 1 of strongest items as well.
    foxysiren likes this.
  12. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    Its called the game is in a state of constant upgrade, if the case is that you dont wanna waste ur fps then you will never buy nothing ever cause there will always be something bigger and better coming, like foxy said when the items you bought equal less than 300 total then you can complain I got alot of items that was great beyond great when i got them now they sit and wasted since new boss's can drop better items, if this is something you dont agree this is not the app from you and move on to a standard game that you have to buy new version ever year for the newest things to be added.
    foxysiren likes this.
  13. The Navigator

    The Navigator Active Member

    I personally like the progression. Just don't buy EVERY set offered and you'll be fine.

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