TGIF! Here’s your development news round-up for the past week!
Player Bans January 19 - January 25
As a reminder, the following numbers are permanently frozen accounts, and don't count temporary freezes.
FB: 16
Kps2: 1
Kong/Armor: 91
The majority of permanently frozen accounts are frozen for being a shared or alternate account. This is something we actively investigate, and we appreciate players reporting suspicious accounts to us.
If you have any questions or comments about a frozen account, please direct them through
Support as the Forums are not the place to discuss account freezes, because of the sensitive account information involved.
New Limited Items!
A new week means new Limited Items! Here’s what’s up for grabs:
Fifth Anniversary Item!
Mob Wars: La Cosa Nostra turned five recently and to commemorate that occasion we are offering up the Quinquennial Roadster, a discount Limited Quantity vehicle.
February Monthly Calendar!
Sunday is the start of a new month, so you know what that means...a new monthly Calendar! The February Monthly Calendar starts Sunday at 10:00 am PST and runs until February 28.
January Item Creation Contest 2015 Voting
The Gearjam is almost over! Make sure to
vote on which item you want to win!
Facebook Open Graph 2.0 API Update
In case you missed this public service announcement earlier this week, Facebook is switching over to Open Graph 2.0 on April 30 2015 and we need to update our games to match. You can read the whole announcement
here, but the gist of it is that our games run on a version of Facebook’s back-end code that will be outdated in April and we need to upgrade out games so that they continue to work when the switchover occurs.
Players on Facebook will not notice anything happening as a result of this process and when April 30 rolls around everything will continue exactly as it has been. The one side effect is that the majority of our dev time will be dedicated to this process until it is complete, so there will be a slow down on updates and new features. We are hoping to finish this process as soon as possible and we’ll let you know when it is complete.
Support Report with your favorite burrowing nocturnal mammal and Answerpreneur, Aardvark!
Aardvark has fled the country on vacation, so the Support Report will be absent from TGIF for the next couple of weeks. I will try to maintain Aardvark’s penchant for amusing and insightful postscripts, but the outlook on that is not very good.
who could not think of anything to put here
Terrible Joke of the Week
Here's your lame joke of the week!
What do British nuclear engineers eat?
That's it for TGIF this week, everybody! Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!!
Play Now!
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