[LCN] TGIF! This Week in Dev and Community May 12 - 16

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, May 17, 2014.

  1. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    TGIF! What happened this past week in Dev and Community?

    Player Bans May 3 - May 9

    As a reminder, the following numbers are permanently frozen accounts, and don't count temporary freezes.

    FB: 26
    KPs2: 2
    Kong/Armor: 1

    The majority of permanently frozen accounts are frozen for being a shared or alternate account. This is something we actively investigate, and we appreciate players reporting suspicious accounts to us.

    If you have any questions or comments about a frozen account, please direct them through Support as the Forums are not the place to discuss account freezes, because of the sensitive account information involved.

    New Limited Items!

    A new week means new Limited Items! Here’s what’s up for grabs:


    May Long Weekend!

    This coming Monday, May 19, is Victoria Day here in good old Canada so the Kano/Apps staff won’t be at work. As is the usual case with long weekends there will be a slight delay in answering community questions and Support tickets. We’ll be working extra hard on Tuesday to catch up, though!

    Support Report with your favorite burrowing nocturnal mammal and Answerpreneur, Aardvark!

    Happy Friday players!

    Keeping things pretty brief this week. We're working on our processes for onboarding and training new staff so and as a result I am currently waist-deep in process, policy, and training resources documents.

    Just a few quick notes about ingame messages. Because of some of the concerns players have had regarding abusive comments in World Boss feeds, someone who has lost their chat privileges will also not be able to post World Boss comments.

    Should you ever lose your chat ability, please also be aware that hurling obscenities and insults at Support does not usually convince us that you are someone who can be relied upon to use communication tools responsibly.


    who makes the prettiest flowcharts of all.

    Terrible Joke of the Week

    Here's your lame joke of the week!

    Did you hear about the guy who got hit with a soda can? He was lucky it was a soft drink. ← Highlight for hilarity!

    That's it for TGIF this week, everybody! Thanks for reading, and have an excellent weekend!

    Play Now!

    Facebook Canvas: https://apps.facebook.com/la_cosa_nostra/?fb_source=appcenter&fb_appcenter=1
    Facebook Connect: http://www.kanoplay.com/la_cosa_nostra?game_server=server_1

    Kano Play Server 2: http://www.kanoplay.com/la_cosa_nostra?game_server=server_2

    Kongregate: http://www.kongregate.com/games/kanoapps/mob-wars-la-cosa-nostra

    Armor Games: http://armorgames.com/play/14870/mob-wars-la-cosa-nostra
    Jess likes this.

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