[ZS] TGIF! This Week in Dev and Community April 7 - April 11

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Apr 12, 2014.

  1. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    TGIF! What happened this past week in Dev and Community?

    Player Bans March 29 - April 4

    As a reminder, the following numbers are permanently frozen accounts, and don't count temporary freezes.

    FB: 1
    KP: 3
    Kong/Armor: 4

    The majority of permanently frozen accounts are frozen for being a shared or alternate account. This is something we actively investigate, and we appreciate players reporting suspicious accounts to us.

    If you have any questions or comments about a frozen account, please direct them through Support as the Forums are not the place to discuss account freezes, because of the sensitive account information involved.

    New Limited Items!

    A new week means new Limited Items! Here’s what’s up for grabs:


    Terrible Joke of the Week

    Here's your lame joke of the week!

    What do clouds wear under their shorts? Thunderpants! ← Highlight for hilarity!

    That's it for this shamefully short TGIF, everybody! Thanks for reading, and have an excellent weekend!

    Play Now!

    Facebook Canvas: https://apps.facebook.com/zombieslayer/?fb_source=appcenter&fb_appcenter=1
    Facebook Connect: http://www.kanoplay.com/zombieslayer?game_server=server_1

    Kano Play Server 2: http://www.kanoplay.com/zombieslayer?game_server=server_2

    Kongregate: http://www.kongregate.com/games/kanoapps/zombie-slayer

    Armor Games: http://armorgames.com/zombie-slayer-game/14869
  2. KuraiKiller

    KuraiKiller Member

    Haven't seen a TGIF this bare before... I am scared.
  3. Kreistor

    Kreistor New Member

    Couldn't be because someone quoted the previous one, and broke their jaw. Kinda hard to spout self-aggrandizing nonsense when you know there's someone watching that will call you out for it.

    No longer. Other issues (involving the hyper-aggression of my own faction members) have inspired me to move on. So I'm not Watching the Watchmen anymore.

    I'll say it again. One last time. The only way for a game to have long term survivability is Opt-In PvP, and there is almost nothing on the Flash market that serves the enormous community that wants it. Permitting hyper-aggression only leads a game to a slow death, where the most abusive, most aggressive "win" by eliminating the player base: they are making "leave the game" the only respite. Small player base = small revenue = dead company.

    So, last post, and farewell.
  4. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    yeah, that must be it...theyre just sooooo afraid of you lol
  5. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Hey Kurai, nothing to worry about, plenty of stuff that we're working on but not all of it is fit to announce just yet! Also Aardvark wasn't here and usually her Support Report helps round things out. The TGIFs will return to their former glory soon!

    @Kreistor Gear down there, big rig.

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