[ZS] TGIF... This week in Dev and Community 25/01/2013

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Wonder Bread, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    TGIF! This week absolutely flew by for me, as I've been covering Support since Monday. Despite being quite busy, there was still a lot that went on, so let's take a look!

    Player Bans Jan 12 - Jan 18

    Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get the freeze numbers together in time for today's TGIF, so I will include those in next week's.

    New limited items!

    A new week means new limited items!


    Look Awesome? Go get them!

    Calendar Backgrounds now available

    We've had a number of requests from the community for access to the awesome backgrounds for our Monthly and weekend calendars. Well, we've finally collected them all in one place for your downloading pleasure. Click here to check them out!

    Kingdom of Thrones

    Last week we officially announced our newest game, Kingdom of Thrones. KoT has been in development for a while now, and we're very excited to get it out so you can give it a try. You can read our announcement by clicking here.

    Gold Level and Higher Loyalty Items Stat Increase!

    Last week we increased the stats for all Gold level and higher loyalty items to make them more relevant to players. We know that these aren't easy to get, and we appreciate everyone who has saved up their points to get them. Thanks for being awesome!

    Community Feedback

    As some of you may have noticed, I've been spamming the forums the last couple weeks with a slew of proposed changes and additions. I've mentioned before that we're trying to do a better job of showing that we care about community feedback, and this is step one in that process. Unfortunately we're never going to be able to please everyone, and we do occasionally need to make unpopular decisions, however we absolutely care what you think, and keep community feedback in mind with everything that we do.

    Please remember, however, that it's extremely important to keep civil and respectful here in the forums so that we can properly digest the feedback you're trying to provide. You can absolutely disagree with something we've posted, but please do so in a way that isn't insulting or goes against our Code of Conduct in some other way.

    Proposed Change to Arena

    One of our most recent propositions is a change in when rewards and ranks are awarded. Read about it by clicking here.

    Proposed PVP Achievements

    We've had quite a few requests for achievements by members of the community, and we wanted to provide an opportunity to let us know which you'd like to see. Click here to check out the poll, and let us know which you'd prefer.

    Community Code of Conduct Updates

    The Code of Conduct is an ever-evolving set of guidelines for interactions here in the forums. We have established these guidelines as we feel they best enable civil and respectful discussion, and allow everyone the opportunity to be awesome.

    Please have a quick read through, as following these guidelines is very important to maintaining a healthy community and forums. Clicking anywhere on this section will take you to the updated Code of Conduct.

    Support Report

    As I mentioned above, I've been filling in for Melanie this week in Support. While I don't have too much to say about it, I did want to post some quick advice for using our new Support system. Once you've signed in and have submitted a ticket, you'll receive an email confirmation of your ticket. You will also receive an email confirmation when your ticket has been replied to, if it needed a reply. Please do not reply to any email notifications through your email, as those don't make it into the system. Instead, click on the link in the notification email, which will take you back to the Support system so you can reply if necessary.

    As some of you may have noticed, we're still working out the kinks with the new system, however it's already a much more efficient system, which is great!

    Joke of the week!

    Joke of the week time! This one once again comes from Bad Joke Cat on twitter. That cat's been on a roll lately. Enjoy!
    I wrote a song about a tortilla. Well actually, it's more of a wrap. Highlight for hilarious Joke! Click here for the appropriate sound effect.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    Play Now!

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  2. Eraser

    Eraser Member

  3. mama romero

    mama romero New Member

    Thx much for all your help, & dedication to providing a quality gaming experience. :cool:

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