[ZS] TGIF... This week in Dev and Community 19/10/2012

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Wonder Bread, Oct 20, 2012.

  1. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    TGIF! I was glad to see Friday arrive with a minimal amount of rain, as we had fair-sized downpour last night. I may also have been running around in said rain and gotten soaked. It's a distinct possibility.

    Enough complaints about the weather, let's take a look at the past week!

    Limited item removal fix

    It was brought up on the forums this past week that being able to remove purchased limited items was confusing as it gave the illusion that a player would receive points for doing so because of how the cost was displayed.

    We agreed that this was confusing and pointless, so we have removed the remove button on purchased limited items. Thanks to everyone who participated in the discussion, which you can read about here!

    Player Bans Oct 6- Oct 12

    I wanted to clarify this week about the ban numbers we provide. Because of when these numbers are recorded, the weekly numbers are actually for the previous week. I apologize for any confusion this may have caused, and will now include the dates that numbers are being pulled from.

    FB: 4
    MS: 0

    As always, we are committed to keeping our games fun and fair for everyone, and will continue to ensure that players are playing fairly and within our Terms of Use by swinging the banhammer where it needs to be swung.

    If you have any questions or comments about a frozen account, please direct them through Support as the Forums are not the place to discuss account freezes, because of the sensitive account information involved.

    Facebook Offsite Game Policy Change

    Facebook recently announced a change to their policy regarding offsite versions of games on Facebook that will take effect December 5th, 2012. You can read more about it here.

    3-day Spooktober Calendar!


    Because we love Halloween so much, we figured that we should do another Halloween-themed calendar. Have a spook-filled fun time with it!

    I also wanted to touch on a complaint some players have been voicing recently about the xp reduction from challenge help that typically occurs when 3-day calendars come around, because of the frequency with which you can do them.

    The important thing to remember for all of this is that the 3-day calendars are, by themselves, free xp. The can be completed three times, which, again, is quite a bit of free xp. Challenge help is another way for players to get free xp, so players are essentially getting free xp on top of their free xp, which also gets player free keys, which is more free xp. So it's free xp on top of free xp on top of free xp. Because there's no limit to the number of challenges that players can help with, the amount of free xp received on the challenge help is limited because if it wasn't it would unbalance the game, which means we simply wouldn't do 3-day calendars, which would suck because the images are always really cool.

    Hopefully this clears up some of the confusion that players have been voicing about this. :)

    Ideas Section Revamp

    Regular forum members will have noticed recently that I've mentioned an upcoming revamp of our Ideas section of the forums. While this didn't end up happening this week, I'm hoping to have it underway for next week. Our plan is to add an Ideas section for each game, so that players can post game-specific ideas there instead of one section for all games. We will also have sections for ideas we're considering for implementation, ideas we don't foresee implementing, and community ideas we have already implemented.

    Community feedback and ideas are extremely important to us, and we hope that this reorganization will better show this love and appreciation.

    Support Report

    Time for your weekly dose of exciting news from the world of Kano Support!

    A quick clarification about combat: Your Battle Range consists of everyone within 10% of your own level. This means that the more levels you have, the larger your range becomes and yes, it is possible for you to be in someone else's range, but not them in yours.

    Fun fact! If your Chat view is set to "World" but your message bar is on Group or Faction, you'll probably get an error message about how you need a Speaker to post. If you're having trouble posting, make the drop menu to the left of the message field is on the right setting, type "/w" before your message to force-post it the World Chat.

    In other news, I doodled Wonder Bread and myself some new avatars. Behold my amazing artistry!

    Sorry, I couldn't think of a 3rd paragraph this week. :p


    Joke of the week!

    Joke of the week time! The joke this week is an old favourite of a childhood friend of mine, so if you don't like it, blame him!

    What do you call a fish with no eyes? Fsh! This makes more sense as a spoken joke, but it's still pretty excellent Highlight for hilarious answer! Click here for the appropriate sound effect.

    On that note, have an excellent weekend everyone!

    Play Now!

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    Facebook Connect: http://bit.ly/zs_forum_fc

    MySpace: http://mysp.ac/zs_ms_forum
  2. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    Okay, There is no arguing That the 3 day callenders result in TONS of XP for anyone that is willing to sit around and play them, or has access to the app thru thier phone/device and can play on the go.

    but, I think you should understand Why you are getting so much support mail on this.

    When You are playing the game... In certain times, Seconds can be golden. Ill give you an example, You're close to a level up, just waiting to hit that next key, clicking away at the hitlist with your last 20 stamina while you wait. and BOOM, unexpected a big player that is always fast to kill you pops up and you attack it out of sheer refelx and mussle memory.

    You're in the hot seat now, because that you're now on that players rivals that can kill you so easily/and or loves to list you. You got about 30 seconds to a minute to find that XP to level up, or you're set back on that level waiting for keys another hour, not having any stamina.

    The problem is not we're not geting enough XP, Its that it takes away from the instant availablility of XP when you need it in a crunch.

    All the XP we get on 3 day callenders are great, but we all know, its not just us alone getting the XP, our rivals are too. So we are in competition to collecet that XP as effectively as possible.

    What would make sense to me, is for the XP that you get on the 3 day callenders, to NOT interfere with the XP that you get for regular rocket/deathdeal xp.

    That way, we dont feel like we are taking away from what we could potentially gain by being patient and not clicking so many 3 day callenders.

    that 3 day callender click just took away 1/2 of a percent of a level from what we could have gained for a rocket.

    So, Maybe you could keep the 3 day callender Xp as half, but seperate it the same was the 30 day callender help is, only putting a limit on how many we can help for XP?
  3. From my perspective, 3 day calendars are lame and I'd like to see them go the way of the dodo, but if they don't, I'd like to see them actually commemorate something special. All summer long the developers had to make up some stupid reason to give us a 3 day calendar.

    I understand Halloween is worthy of being commemorated with a calendar, but last year it was commemorated with a monthly calendar, so it was unnecessary. The reward wasn't even Halloween themed. Just some lame Kanuckle Duster...a retread of the recent Mega Duster.

    What with the holiday season, you're covered for the next two months. For January, may I suggest you commemorate the time one of the developers found Regis Philbin's face in a slice of toast. That idea is just as valid as the ideas you presented to us this summer.

    By having so many 3 day calendars, you serve to cheapen them.

    From your perspective, I'm sure you make plenty of money doing them as you do with the arena, which is why so many resources are expended in the coding of them. Something which, as far as I'm concerned has a negative impact on the rest of the game.

    As far as the limited item removal button, this was an issue I brought up long ago. I figured it wasn't addressed way back then, because Kano just loved it when someone accidentally deleted something as it would mean the player would have to purchase something new to replace it.

    Yes, I'm cynical. And while I do understand that you need to make money to continue to develop and support your games, it seems to me that that's all you've been doing since February. And perhaps even earlier then that.

    I've been growing more and more disenchanted with this game since the hired squad went live. And more and more everyday it seems a chore to log in. I'd like to see that change.

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