[ZS] TGIF... This week in Dev and Community 10/05/2013

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Wonder Bread, May 10, 2013.

  1. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    TGIF! I'm particularly stoked for this weekend, as I get to make the short trip to Vancouver and see the extremely talented Of Monsters and Men! If you've never heard of them, I highly recommend them!

    Anyways, let's take a look at this past week:

    Player Bans Apr 26 - May 1

    As a reminder, the following numbers are permanently frozen accounts, and don't count temporary freezes.

    FB: 3
    MS: 0
    Kong: 0

    If you have any questions or comments about a frozen account, please direct them through Support as the Forums are not the place to discuss account freezes, because of the sensitive account information involved.

    New limited items!

    A new week means new limited items!


    Think they're awesome? Go get them!

    Battle Arena Achievements and Stats are finally here!

    After an absolutely ridiculous amount of issues, Battle Arena Achievements are finally collectable, and the stats should be showing on your profile page! Hooray!

    Mother's Day Weekend Calendar!

    You know who are fantastic? Mothers! To celebrate the phenomenal matriarch(s) in your life, we present another 3-day calendar! The Calendar will run from May 10th at 12pm until May 13th at 12pm (PDT), so make sure you take the time on Sunday to wish the great Mom(s) in your life a happy Mother's day!

    View attachment 2541

    All our Knowledgebase is belong to you!*

    Have questions about the games? How about Support? Have you checked out the knowledgebase yet? No? Why not? Go check it out!

    *Please note that our Knowledgebase is actually belong to us, although bonus points to anyone who knows what the title is referencing

    Recent Stability Improvements

    As many of you likely noticed recently, we've been having some performance/stability issues, most notably with slower connection times during peak times and/or the Battle Arena. Our tech guys have been hard at work the past few weeks to get to the bottom of the issues, and we've made some recent improvements that should solve many of the issues we've been experiencing. We will continue to closely monitor performance, and we appreciate your patience while we sorted the issues out. :)

    Want to help the forums be more awesome?

    We've had some awesome applications come in lately, and it's been awesome seeing all the passionate community members wanting to help out. We're always looking for additional applicants, so if you're interested make sure you email me at community@kanoapps.com

    Support Report Just a reminder, the Support Report is written by our wonderful Support Person Melanie AKA Aardvark

    Happy weekend, players!

    An update on the support ticket attachment issue! After extensive fiddling around by yours truly, it turns out that there is a hard cap on the size of a file which may be included with a ticket. If you are trying to send us a screenshot, please make sure the file is under 2 MB or it we won't get it. We will be updating soon to make our system to be a little more forgiving, but if you save your image as a PNG or GIF, at normal web resolution you shouldn't have any trouble with this limit. For more info, check out this Knowledgebase article.

    And a quick note! Apparently there was rumor of an update coming that would automatically de-clan/mob/squad any players who had become un-friended on their social network since joining up ingame. I have no idea where this idea came from, but it's not something we have on the table. We like players to have full control over who they connect with or remove in their games and don't generally get involved with that aspect of accounts.



    Joke of the Week

    Joke of the week time! Someone mentioned that my jokes have been too tame recently, so I thought I'd share a one-liner that's a bit racier. Check it out!

    I had a dream I was a stock-car muffler and I woke up exhausted.<--Highlight for Joke!

    That's basically two jokes, which, you know, value! On that note, I hope you all have a fantastic weekend. :)

    Play Now!

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