[ZS] TGIF... This week in Dev and Community 05/04/2013

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Wonder Bread, Apr 6, 2013.

  1. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    TGIF! Spring has sprung, the grass is riz... If you're unfamiliar with the poem, Google it, it's awesome!

    Anyways, let's take a look at this past week:

    Player Bans Mar 22 - Mar 28

    As a reminder, the following numbers are permanently frozen accounts, and don't count temporary freezes.

    FB: 7
    MS: 4
    Kong: 0

    If you have any questions or comments about a frozen account, please direct them through Support as the Forums are not the place to discuss account freezes, because of the sensitive account information involved.

    New limited items!

    A new week means new limited items!


    I was personally impressed with how fierce and deadly the limiteds looked this week, so make sure to get them while you can!

    Coming Soon: Barcelona!


    As some of you astutely guess, the new location is... Barcelona! Outbreaks will be available next week, so be prepared!

    Feeling extra moderate lately?

    Interested in helping out in the forums? Awesome! We're looking to expand our community volunteer team, so email community@kanoapps.com for more information!

    We've had some awesome applications come in lately, and it's been awesome seeing all the passionate community members wanting to help out. We're still looking for additional applicants, so if you're interested make sure you email me at community@kanoapps.com


    Last week, we released an awesome new way to get limited items, crates! Check them out if you haven't yet!

    Support Report Just a reminder, the Support Report is written by our wonderful Support Person Melanie AKA Aardvark

    Hey players! Nothing quite like coming back to Support after a long weekend, with whole extra day of backed-up requests to take care of. Ugh. Of course, I don't mind it enough to actually come in and work the stat while everyone else is out enjoying the amazing spring weather and eating chocolate and such.

    A note about Fight results: as many of you know the outcome of combat between two players is determined by pitting the aggressors total Attack strength against their opponent's total Defense strength, with victor going to whoever has the higher number. Normally, the winner is also the person who inflicts the most damage.

    HOWEVER. It is impossible to deal out more damage than your opponent has health. So if you're looking at your feed and wondering how you lost that fight even though you did the most damage, it's probably because you were killed by that final attack, and didn't have much health left to lose in that final blow.


    Joke of the Week

    Joke of the week time! This week's joke makes more sense when you read it, which is convenient, because that's what you're doing! Enjoy!

    What does Batman put in his beverages? Just ice.<--Highlight for the answer!

    Have a fantastic and awesome weekend everyone!

    Play Now!

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    Facebook Connect: http://bit.ly/zs_forum_fc

    MySpace: http://bit.ly/zs_forum_ms

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