[PC] TGIF... this week in dev! 22/06/2012

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Kendall, Jun 23, 2012.

  1. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    OK anyone else out there supposed be experiencing summer right now that is experiencing craptastic weather like we are? I will just throw out a "what the heck" to the summer we are experiencing. Not like I would be out there anyways but still disappointing.

    To the topic at hand, this week in Pirate Clan dev. Battle Arena prep and tuning continued to eat up a lot of our dev resources but we are close to a final feature. We hope it will provide a great addition to the game but we will let y’all be the judges of that and let us know.

    Battle Arena:

    The first 2 rounds of Battle Arena are complete, congratulations to all the participants! The last arena saw 978 participants battle it out for 7 hours! We've had a great amount of feedback from the community that is helping us make this feature better. The general tone has been very positive, we are still working out the kinks and trying to make it fun for everyone even if the start times aren't ideal for some time zones. Look forward to arenas starting bi-weekly with fixes and gameplay improvements in each one! Lets hear your feedback in the Battle Arena discussions http://forums.kanoapps.com/showthread.php?7742


    • Underworld Crafted Items
    • Rare Battle Drops Added
    • Free Energy Reward: http://forums.kanoapps.com/showthread.php?7757
    • Bunch of minor fixes (not worth mentioning but still mentioning)
    • Battle skill warning added to skill allocations

    Player Bans:

    • 1 Permanent Ban [1-MS]


    Next week we will have some exciting announcements with respect to community team here at Kano/Apps. We will be growing the team by +1 and will announce all the juicy details and plans next week. It is our goal to make the Kano/Apps community a place for players to come, have their ideas posted and listened to by other players and devs. At Kano/Apps it is our goal to be a developer that is known for listening to and caring about players, we may not always agree but we always try our best to understand and take action as appropriate. We have lots of improvements and goals we want to make with respect to the community and are ecstatic with what is yet to come.

    This may in fact be my last TGIF post to make room for new community peeps but I will always be around because you can’t take the Kendall out of Kano and you can't take the Kano out of Kendall. Have a good weekend y’all! Kendall out!

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    Last edited: Jun 23, 2012
  2. meandyou

    meandyou Banned

    i for one thought the 2nd arena was well more orgaised , i did not get the isuses of dead on fight list, which i think allowed a lot to hide away in the first one. i think as i am a fighter that the defence mode is being miss used by players they just use it purly to stay alive , and not fight . this is my personal veiw he defence mode is for wen you get multiply atacks against you , not to be turned on so they can last longer , if a player is in defence mode and not attacked for 5 mins then it should then become inactive, players just joining the arena and just putting the defence mode on and leaving it on . is a farce and abuse of the real use of it, it is supposed to be a fight game not a no fight game , these are then the players that complain that they dont get xp from the game. apart from that fault that i see in the game, th arena is a great addition to the game i played it for the fun factor i got out of it, and all the free extra xp that you get , at last yo hve done somthing positive in the game that players cant complain about as you have also leveled the playing field for every one giving everyone a chance at winning something i like the fact if you do not fight you dont get xp so the ones that just sit there with thier defence mode on just gives you more xp than you would get if they were in fight mode they are the losers in the arena because you get nothing if you dont fight

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