[LCN] TGIF... This week in Dev 14/09/2012

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Wonder Bread, Sep 14, 2012.

  1. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    TGIF! Friday seems to roll around so quickly these days, can hardly keep up with it. Let's take a little looksy at what when on this week!

    Kano Chat Upgrades

    A new revision of our in-game chat has been released this week. Updates include:

    -private/public groups
    -allow/disallow invite requests
    -friend and faction inviting
    -join/leave/request group list interface
    -css only design

    If you haven't tried it out yet, do so, and let us know what you think!

    Player Bans

    FB: 8
    MS: 12

    As always, we are committed to keeping our games fun and fair for everyone, and will continue to ensure that players are playing fairly and within our Terms of Use by swinging the banhammer where it needs to be swung. There's been some confusion in the past about these numbers, so let me clarify. The above numbers are the number of accounts we have permanently frozen for violations of our Terms of Use. We also do temporary freezes for less severe violations, although these aren't included above.
    It's also worth mentioning that frozen accounts do currently still show up in the game, which has caused some confusion as well as the sentiment that we don't freeze accounts. We're looking into ways to alleviate this sentiment, as we genuinely spend quite a bit of time enforcing our Terms of Use to keep the games fun and fair for everyone.

    Facebook Offsite Game Policy Change

    Facebook recently announced a change to their policy regarding offsite versions of games on Facebook that will take effect December 5th, 2012. You can read more about it here.

    Community Stories

    Have you met someone in game that you're now best friends with? Have you done something really important because of some advice another player gave you? Have any other awesome/inspiring/cool stories about an interaction you had with another player through the game? We occasionally here through Support about players meeting their significant others through the game, or about how they've made lasting friendships, or other awesome stuff, but we've never been able to share it because Support requests are private and we value your privacy. That being said, we do want to share some of the awesome stories we know are out there, so if you have any you'd like to share with the community, please email me at community@kanoapps.com with the title "Community Stories". Stories can by anonymous, but if you'd like to say who you are in game, please mention your game name and what game you play. I'll pick one each week to share in my TGIF post, and I look forward to being able to share these awesome stories with you all! So start sending!

    Game Gurus

    A few weeks ago, we announced an exciting new volunteer opportunity within the community: Game Gurus. Game Gurus are essentially experienced players who will be helping new players by providing knowledge and answering questions in dedicated Guru areas of the forums, as well as other areas. We're still accepting For more information and to apply to be a Guru, check out my post!

    Support Report

    I keep bugging her for them, so here's another message from our awesome Support person Melanie aka Aardvark.

    Take it away Melanie:

    Hey everyone! Support messages have been on track this week, meaning that people are getting answers quickly and I have more time to work on projects that make the Support system as a whole better and more efficient.

    An above-average level of profanity reports have been coming in lately, so I just want to remind people to try and keep it clean. Not everyone appreciates colourful language, so please don't say things you wouldn't say to random person on the street. Abusive exchanges can, and do, make players leave the game and we work hard to try and make our games as fun and welcoming as we can.

    Last but not least, I'm going to be doing some work on the in-game help in the future and in particular want to make it easy and accessible for new players to use. If there's something you think should be in there but isn't, feel free to let us know right here in the forums. :)


    You may have noticed a theme to the last couple of weeks, as both Melanie and I are trying to stress the importance of respecting eachother on the wide wide webernets. Disagree, argue, beat eachother up in the game, but at the end of the day, remember that there are real-life people on the other end. Being awesome is awesome, so be awesome.

    Have a great weekend everyone, Wonder Bread out.

    Play Now!

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    Facebook Connect: http://bit.ly/lcn_forum_fc

    MySpace: http://mysp.ac/lcn_forum

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