[VC] TGIF... this week in dev! 04/06/2012

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Kendall, Jun 9, 2012.

  1. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Off to a better start on this TGIF I actually remembered it was Friday and got started before I got started on beer Friday!

    Well it is the 2nd week of June but you wouldn’t know it by the weather here in Victoria, it feels like October! Hope it is summer somewhere because it isn’t here, yet! Ok, enough of the small talk let’s jump right into what’s new in dev this week.

    Battle Arena Results

    We had about 2000 Facebook Vikings and 500 MySpace Vikings enter the arena. Overall feedback has been positive and we have received a lot! Thanks to all who participated in the first arena and gave their feedback. We will be making several adjustments before the next one, including the rewards for battling. If you have not yet given us feedback and want to make sure you jump onto the Battle Arena discussion thread:


    We hope that this gave some of the blood thirsty higher level Vikings with limited battle lists some excitement and by the sounds of things it did and are confident that our next release is going to be even better based on initial feedback.

    Stamina Refills

    As we continue push out more stamina rewards and boosts, it has put more strain on the balance of the game. Viking Clan was released over 3 years ago, when it was built we in no way planned for all the additions, new locations, extra bonuses / boosts that have since been added to the game, as we continue to make new changes to VC we sometimes have to revisit old mechanics and adjust for the balance of the game. This recent adjustment to refills is no different.

    We made some adjustments to “cap” stamina refills that impacted less than 10 players, if you were one of the players impacted please contact support. If you aren’t 1 of the 10 we don’t want to hear from you :)...

    Newsletters are going out the door! (free item and boost!)

    Newsletters are being emailed out as we speak and expect all to be sent out by Monday of next week. Keep an eye in your inbox as there is a special item. If you do not see anything from us end of day Monday check your junkmail, if not there send a message into support!

    XP Gained in Battles (change for next week)

    Currently when fighting a weaker in range opponent and you are far stronger you will get very little XP, this was done to prevent overchaining of players but this also slows down progression of stronger players. We plan to change this mechanic to award a base minimum XP when fighting weaker in range opponents, fighting stronger opponents will still award more BUT fighting weaker opponents in range should still allow you to progress.

    Player Bans:

    • 4 permanent bans

    If you haven’t already liked our Facebook page and/or followed us on Twitter, do it or else you may miss out on the latest updates, news and bonuses!

    Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/vikingclanfans
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/vikingclan

    Also, if you want to learn more about Kano/Apps and what makes us different than other game developers like our Facebook fan page and/or follow us on Twitter. Different means better right?

    Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/kanoapps
    Twitter: http://twitter.com/kanoapps

    As always, feedback is appreciated and listened to. Have suggestions on where you think we can improve we want to hear it! Have great things to say about us we want to hear it! Axe slap on and hope everyone has a great weekend! Kendall out!

    Play Now!

    Facebook Canvas: http://bit.ly/vc_kaforum
    Facebook Connect: http://bit.ly/vc_forum_fc

    MySpace: http://mysp.ac/vc_forum
  2. kayjay

    kayjay Guest

    thanks kendall

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