Happy Friday, everyone! Bit of a short update for you this week, mostly concerning updates to our privacy policy. There’s also some reward links if you missed the Newsletter, so read on! Mother’s Day Raid Event The last Raid Event of May is on now as the Royal Marines are sacking Anne Bonny’s fleet! Captains everywhere on the Seven Seas will need to band together to make sure these colonial attackers are brought to heel. Privacy Policy Update In light of recent events that have been happening around this topic, we thought we'd take a section here to discuss our Privacy Policy and how it pertains to you. Kano Apps has always been committed to keeping all information confidential. We do not re-sell any information we collect in the course of playing our games. The early days of social media were largely unregulated when it came to data collection, but even back then, as we are now, we were firm in our stance of protecting the privacy of our players. We're committed to our ongoing stance of maintaining your right to privacy and the right to your information. We've updated our Privacy Policy, which removes some outdated terms and refreshes it for our current climate as well as making it transparent and easy to understand. We appreciate that this is a tricky time for this sort of discussion and if you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact us. Newsletter Reward Links Earlier this week we sent out the Spring Newsletter, but just in case you haven’t seen it yet, here are the reward links: Mob Wars: La Cosa Nostra Facebook: https://lcn.kanoplay.com/rewards/co...play&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=reward_472 Kano Play server 1: https://lcn.kanoplay.com/rewards/co...play&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=reward_472 Kano Play Server 2: https://lcn.kanoplay.com/rewards/co...play&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=reward_472 Kongregate: https://lcn.kanoplay.com/rewards/co...play&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=reward_472 Armor: https://lcn.kanoplay.com/rewards/co...play&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=reward_472 Pirate Clan Facebook: https://pc.kanoplay.com/rewards/col...play&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=reward_470 Kano Play server 1: https://pc.kanoplay.com/rewards/col...play&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=reward_470 Kano Play Server 2: https://pc.kanoplay.com/rewards/col...play&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=reward_470 Kongregate: https://pc.kanoplay.com/rewards/col...play&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=reward_470 Armor: https://pc.kanoplay.com/rewards/col...play&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=reward_470 Viking Clan Facebook: https://vc.kanoplay.com/rewards/col...play&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=reward_473 Kano Play server 1: https://vc.kanoplay.com/rewards/col...play&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=reward_473 Kano Play server 2: https://vc.kanoplay.com/rewards/col...play&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=reward_473 Kongregate: https://vc.kanoplay.com/rewards/col...play&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=reward_473 Armor: https://vc.kanoplay.com/rewards/col...play&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=reward_473 Zombie Slayer Facebook: https://zs.kanoplay.com/rewards/col...play&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=reward_472 Kano Play server 1: https://zs.kanoplay.com/rewards/col...play&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=reward_472 Kano Play Server 2: https://zs.kanoplay.com/rewards/col...play&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=reward_472 Kongregate: https://zs.kanoplay.com/rewards/col...play&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=reward_472 Armor Games: https://zs.kanoplay.com/rewards/col...play&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=reward_472 And that’s it for this week, a lot of behind-the-scenes development work but nothing forward facing. Don’t worry, we have some more stuff coming up soon. Have a good weekend! Frozen User Count 7 Lame Joke of the Week Why couldn’t the pirate sit down? Spoiler He had his booty stolen!
thanks for the update was wondering why when i clicked on usual link to game it kept asking for me to accept the new privacy update but i did lol x
Can we get the Challenge achievements looked over again for the amount that are required to complete the highest tiers? Currently in pirate clan the required time is beyond what anything a sane person would consider reasonable. If there is a overhaul to where we can complete several challenges a day the numbers they currently are standing at would be a different story depending on how it was done. It was stated previously, sadly by the employee that left that they could be looked at again in a little bit (in a little bit posted around the launch date of said achievements). From the time that was posted to now there has been as expected a very minute shift in the amount of challenges and even bosses killed in the grand scale of what the final achievement total is asking for. Last week i linked back to both the analysis of minimum time required to complete and the post by scoughman where he said they would be looked at again. If needed i can bring both back once again so there is less forum thread searching involved to be able to properly comprehend the problem at hand and how the time required is beyond reasonable in any sense.