tennis ball machine

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by icedfate, Aug 1, 2010.

  1. icedfate

    icedfate Member

    where do you get the tennis ball machine?

    I am level 174 and I have not found tennis ball machine in the store or as a drop from any quest, and yet 90% of the players I attack in pvp have 20 of these equipped.......

    it almost appears to be a drop from the tennis star zombie but that's impossible because how could a level 172 player have unlocked the tennis star zombie?

    you have to be 175 just to unlock the fascist zombie and Switzerland doesn't get unlocked until you beat him

    this is really frustrating me because every player beats me on the results because my weapons are weaker even though I have 20 of the best weapons I can buy(fully upgraded) from the store and a few more weapons dropped from bosses and I still am weaker

    am I doing something wrong? where was I supposed to get the tennis ball machine from?
  2. prettynerdy

    prettynerdy Member

    I keep seeing a number of items that lots of people have, but I've never seen it for sale or dropped anywhere. And they are the same level as me, so I know they can't have unlocked something way ahead of where I am. *shrugs* No clue where they come from or how to get them.
  3. Calder12

    Calder12 Member

    Just for the record you don't have to unlock it, just help when one of your Squad members posts for help.

    I have a few weapons from bosses that are far above my level this way.

    Thanks Leo =D lol
  4. monacho

    monacho New Member

    Tennis ball machines are drops from the swiss boss.

    Proton guns are drops from the newest German boss. You can get them even if you are nowhere near the level needed to unlock these bosses. Just watch your feed for people asking for help for the single swiss or single german bosses, or make friends with a higher level player and ask him to let you in ;)
  5. icedfate

    icedfate Member

    right! I didn't think of that, of course it makes sense now lol
  6. prettynerdy

    prettynerdy Member

    20 Weapons
    * 2 Swat Team MP5s (Level 4)
    * 1 Flame Thrower (Level 4)
    * 2 Glisenti Model 1910s (Level 4)
    * 1 Steel Chair (Level 4)
    * 4 Stonehenge Pillars (Level 4)
    * 5 Walther PPKs (Level 4)
    * 2 Chocolatier Paddles (Level 4)
    * 2 Breda M37s (Level 4)
    * 1 Bishop Staff (Level 4)


    20 Weapons
    * 20 Tennis Ball Machines (Level 4)
  7. leo lucky

    leo lucky Member

    You are welcome :)
    Btw. i think the swiss boss looks like boris becker...
    damn tax dodger.

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