Syndicate Bullying - Game update request

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Shaun Mannings, Jul 9, 2013.

  1. Shaun Mannings

    Shaun Mannings New Member

    There are many circumstances when you might attack a player, hitlist, fightlist, retaliation to a punch etc. However some of these incur the wrath of a syndicate and you end up with players way above your level waging war against you and on a PK list. I do not have an issue with this per se, what I don't like is that you cannot retaliate against the syndicate as a whole - or those at your level - because they have their member list hidden due to being chicken sh... What I suggest is that if anyone from a syndicate attacks you, the syndicate member hidden status should be revoked so you can return fire.
  2. The Ice Queen

    The Ice Queen Member

    Shaun, I am a little confused.

    Let's start with the simple fact that anyone who retaliates against you or your Syndicate member will show up on a Rivals List.
    This, in effect, removes the 'hidden' status of the retaliater.
    And lets face it. 30 mins quick research and you can have 90% of a hidden syndicates I.D. It just take a little effort.

    If the action is against ONE member of your Syndicate: You should have the I.D. of any members of XYZ Syndicate who are helping their member. Why would you punish an entire Syndicate for the actions of a few against one? Any member of the rival syndicate who has attacked, then let it be on their head.

    Our Syndicate is hidden. We are not chicken. My members are low levels, trying to build up in a nice friendly, respectful manner.
    But.. if you list/pk campaign one of us over a trivial matter ie: one fightlist attack, we have a right to protect our member.
    But any good leader will investigate first. Find out why the hitlist/pk was done. Perhaps council their member as to how to treat other Syndicated members. While each person has their own style, 3 fightlist attacks isn't excessive.
  3. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I think what hes trying to say is that he doesnt like the fact that higher or more powerful members of a syndicate come to the aid of lower level member and he cant return the favor to their even lower level syndicate members.

    What hes not getting is thats just part of the game...choose your Allies and rivals very carefully...there're consequences to every action or lack there of.

    Its not that difficult to track players down that are hidden in a guild/armada/syndicate....utilize your clan and track em down and wreak your brand of havoc...just be prepared for the consequences

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