
Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Ahaygnahad YeraygnaMaygah, Aug 28, 2011.

  1. Has anybody ever been quite so successful!?

    While riding naked

    in a bobsled...


    This is now going to sit and gather dust, i just wanted to prove that i could get 1k winstreak while naked, on a bobsled.
  2. Ace

    Ace Member

    Umm... Does this need to be reported as an alt, or does this post report itself?
  3. Hashshashin

    Hashshashin Member

    Nice level 36 there bud......Somehow I thought you had a higher level account...lmfao.
  4. Joey Mele

    Joey Mele Member

    Kano, this is an alt.

    You can tell this is an alt. The stamina is 70 and it's level 36. This particular player plays with alts all day long. It destroys the game. Please Kano, stop players like this from destroying a good game.
  5. you ignorant fools

    i am placing yet another training dummy with no defence in the tank for people to attack without comeback when levelling up.

    I wanted to get 1000 consecutive wins naked, but that would have to be impossible so i had to see if i could do it naked... but in a bobsledĀ¬!


    IU'm done with it now, point made and what were we talking about again?

    FORGET IT I'm over it already
  6. Another Fail Thread by Ahad congrats your the number one most retarded forum goer ​
  7. clubber

    clubber Member


    Here is mine. 1481 wins :p
  8. Your posts make my eyes bleed.

    I go nowhere, i barely even move.

    I think you meant to say "forum user", wake up and smell the coffee dude, you're nothing but a loser.

    Now either you're partially sighted, legally blind, or just irritating to read... For no good reason.

    Either way, you are nothing.

    Hurry up, develop some testicles and attempt to kill me, your def looks like it would be better XP than most of my fightlist.

    EDIT: I bet he never even managed the 1000 consecutive wins,


    Last edited: Sep 11, 2011
  9. You mad bra?

    Seems your mad because you got told trying to show off and you failed

    Dont be a winey little bitch
  10. No.

    You are the least worthy of my attention of ALL the pussies on this forum, i'm surprised i even bothered to type all this to make it long enough to post.
  11. Was I talking to you?

    I dont think I was :cool:
  12. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    So you've now proven that you can get the 1k consecutive fights won achievement. How many alts did it take you before you finally got it?

    This was one for the first Achievements I got on Hi5. By the time I was your level I was sitting at the top of the leaders for fights won/kills. Where are you again?
  13. clubber

    clubber Member

    Why won't Kano Team let me post my strikes image? I have a 2k+ strike o FB. :D

  14. Clueless imbecile.

    STFU and climb in some sort of deep-freeze enclosure. Clinging on to the thought of your helpless mother as you lock and stiffen, until you can stiffen no longer and you just...


    Such a cold existence that must be.

    I would rather pop my head with a heavy duty firearm.

    ZA got it, easily, in a defence build with only 117 attack. (The Master Chief watching over my "killing much, with all that defence"

    I (Kano Der Towken) also got it, even easier, even though i had (have) only 3 defence.

    Then i was looking for more of a challenge, Hi5 is FAR TOO EASY!

    Kano had already failed at getting to 1000 consecutive wins naked, so i had to comprimise and do it naked in a bobsled.

    At time of writing, 2 notches below you for killing. I am aiming to keep my wins as low as possible, as that makes me a more efficient killer.

    Clubber is living on borrowed time, before too long i will have you directly on top of me. I don't like the thought of that one little bit, and i'm sure you will agree.

    Once again, before too long i will sling you off to the side and rise up to my rightful place at the top.

    Saying it is too easy on Hi5 is a massive understatement.

    I can't think of a more appropriate term for it, i don't actually need to think of one because i don't care, it doesn't matter...

    Just wait and see.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2011
  15. clubber

    clubber Member

    Well Kano I do have a life, wife, job, etc.

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