[All] stat translation

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by neill1990, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    whenever you fight a boss just before you take the very first attack it says if your attack and health is high enough for the boss and if they arent it recomends raising them to get more rewards out of the boss.

    i think there should be an area somewhere that shows what your current stats would eaqual out to in terms of how strong of a boss you are able to take on.

    this will probobly sound confusing so ill put an example to try to better explain but not sure exactly how to type this to make perfect sence.

    EX(stats are just made up):

    1,000 attack and deffence would mean you can take on a boss with 5,000 deffence and attack(any more boss health points and you would need to put more into health so you get max rewards from boss)
    50,000 health means you can take a boss with 18.000.000 health(any more boss health points and you would need to put more into health so you get max rewards from boss)
  2. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    i dont know what any of that means, i just kept adding till that message no longer appeared haha
    foxysiren likes this.
  3. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    this idea only means something to boss fighters

    and that is why i would like to see a stat translator so you dont have to just keep adding blindly into your stats to make it disapear. with this idea you know the exact boss strength your character can handle without that message apearing

    and not sure how to explain it well lol if anybody knows how to please do would be very helpful for others that dont know exactly what is talked about here
  4. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    That message pop's up quite a bit on 1st attack on big bosses, think nothing of it, unless you want DEV'S tell you how to allocate your skill points.
  5. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    no i dont meen to have devs tell you how to allocate skills i am asking for a stat translator that would show you and only you how strong of a boss your current stats can handle to get max rewards out of(meaning message wont show up) the boss you are fighting.

    as i said before only the boss battlers would care about this because itl show them before they start the boss fight if it is worth it and to see that you will be getting max rewards.

    not sure how to explain it any other way but i am sure if a boss battler read this im sure they would understand lol
    just look at example to understand because that is he best way i can explain other then what i have just stated
  6. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Boss Kills:4759 Bosses Helped:75,107

    I don't hit bosses for exp, I go for drops, but I understand what you meant. Hence my earlier post, a stat translator is way of DEV'S allocating skill points for you.
  7. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Bosses are always good for something, drops you can use, or a boss with drops you don't use anymore but ya need alittle XP to level ,either way, they have a purpose, I know what bosses I need ,and I know when I want to hit one that has nothing I really need,I don't need a Translater :p
  8. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    its not hard to figure out, ive beat on my fair share of bosses and i know what to hit and when to hit it...there are bosses that i hit for drops where the numbers mean nothing to me...when im hitting bosses for exp i try to find ones with 10k defense or lower to maximize the exp per attack...its just something each individual has to figure out for themselves, not for them to tell you how much you need to add to be more effective. they give the general idea of what you need to do and how to do it...the rest is up to you
  9. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    for me to get max rewards i need more health more often then not to deal more damage but my attack is almost always good enough i can handle a boss with over 16k deffence without the message apearing but would be nice to know the exact number of deffence that my guy can handle because i mostly level off of bosses i do fight(this is on kanoplay) but that is only for GP everyday and i just cage to do it because i made some really stupid choices aat the beginning of my time there. that is why i went to facebook to correct my mistakes still made some of course but can actually battle without having to cage to win. but both accounts i have made into boss fighters. on kong not far enough into the game to know if i have corrected all my mistakes hope i did but will have to wait
  10. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member


    still think this would be an easy implementation because there is a formula that kano uses to know if you have passed that certain mark yet for the message to not show up, still would be nice to know what the exact amount would be.

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