stamina //energy

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by scorpion the baby, Jun 26, 2010.

  1. scorpion the baby

    scorpion the baby New Member

    could the game makers ( kendall) fix the issues of stamina and energy only filling to

    500 energy and 50 stamina when level up in this game pirates and lcn
    i notice it doesnt happen in zombies so there must be a fix ty
  2. cesarr

    cesarr Member

    this is not a bug if you read help it'll say that it only refills 50 stam and 500 energy and it's not a bug
  3. hey :) it's not a bug but it's really annoying when we reach high levels with the bosses becoming stronger and double the XP required than b4, it should increase to like 200 stamina so we can do more boss fights and be able to level up!! lol hope the administrators take the issue into consideration

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