Stamina Boosts

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Ahad, Jun 19, 2011.

  1. Ahad

    Ahad Member

    We need them, we need them bad.

    You know the drill, lcn is the only game that offers them but any player worth their weight in grey matter from the other games would definitely say,
    we should have stamina boosts aswell, we need stamina to slay!

    If you're not gonna let us have them then you could at least sell the coding for it to Hi5 so that we can play with them over there.
    I just want ZS stamina boosts... I will do anything! :eek:

    On the other hand you don't want people to go over to Hi5, cos they pocket their money for UN purchases so you should put stam boosts in FB ZS to keep the players here, and make people regret relentlessly relocating over to Hi5 when there is nothing wrong with Facebook!
  2. Wonder Woman

    Wonder Woman Active Member

    Thank you for posting your feedback. It is already on the suggestion list.
  3. Hashshashin

    Hashshashin Member

    I like the idea...I said something about it like a month ago....since we have energy boosts, and most of the time our daily rewards are for energy. Just make stamina boosts instead of energy boosts, and have daily rewards be all for energy. :)
  4. Hashshashin

    Hashshashin Member

    BTW, take this of the SUGGESTION LIST and put it on the TO-DO-LIST.

    Get rid of energy boosts and replace them with stamina. Make daily rewards ENERGY only.

    Simple solution.
  5. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Nah, make daily rewards Energy Only and keep the Energy Boosts. Who needs stam on ZS? I most definitely don't.

    lol, just kidding.

    As Hashshashin said it, eliminate the redundancy, please. All in all, with 50/50 chances on the Daily Reward and 100% Energy Boost, daily, we need something to counter that a bit. Not everyone builds so extremely energy-heavy like me. I even think that only few players do so, at all. A Stam Boost would be the easiest solution.
  6. Hashshashin

    Hashshashin Member

    LOL! I know you don't care about the stam!! hahahahaha....

  7. Jessica

    Jessica Member

    Or we could have a once a day energy, stamina boost and have daily rewards give energy and stamina at same time. Imagine if day 7 on daily reward gave 100% energy and 50% stamina at same time. Then everyone is happy. :p
  8. Hashshashin

    Hashshashin Member

    That would be good as long as you weren't close to stamina and energy reset when you level, so if you have extra it goes to waste.

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