Squad Help!

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by Heathers, Sep 18, 2010.

  1. Heathers

    Heathers New Member

    Is there a way to put your squad in a certain order? If not, how is the squad formed by the application?
  2. Blazing Sadie

    Blazing Sadie New Member

    When you pull up your squad, there are several tabs allowing you to bring up your squad list in several different ways. You can bring up by attack sttrength, defense strength, date added, level, maybe more I can't remember.
  3. Heathers

    Heathers New Member

    I understand about clicking on strengths, etc., but there is no way to put them in any order.
  4. Blazing Sadie

    Blazing Sadie New Member

    No, I do not think so. That would be asking a lot from the developers to be able to let everyone rearrange their squad in any order.
  5. Heathers

    Heathers New Member

    Thanks for your input. It is appreciated.

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