Spreading the Word about Kano Play Myspace

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by mi7ch, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Hey everyone!

    Thanks to the tireless efforts of our developers, the Kano Play Myspace site launched last night and you can find it here: www.kanoplay.com/myspace and our thread about it here.

    Now that the site has launched, we need your help to spread the word about it! At this time it's still only open to classic Myspace players and we're seeing a lot of people logging on and having fun with the new awesomeness, but we need to reach more people.

    If you could tell your friends and allies from classic Myspace about the new site and get them to sign up, that would be great! The games have been pulled over in their entirety, so things will be exactly as they left them. So, message them, text them, whatever you got, tell them to come over and keep playing!

    Just as a side note, I've seen some posts here on the forums that our email is getting caught by spam filters, so if you still haven't received an email about Kano Play Myspace, please check your spam folder!

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