Holy chit this worst ever seen, Mitch is there a way to block these people's IP etc? Maybe, a quick lvl check "if even play the app's" to be allowed onto the forum? This is getting beyond ridiculous........ Bet would be quicker level check, than dealing with report's/spam/deleting threads....
Jeeeez! He wants to win the monthly posting contest more than George did!!! Worst spambot Ive seen in here, lets hope it not a vision of whats to come?!
there's hundreds of them signed up....a lot of them sit dormant for a while before doing anything...i see at the very least 3 spammer accounts signing up a day here
Poor kano moderator 2...i can see him/her slowly deleting the threads Hint: There should be an option when banning an account to delete all their threads/messages in one click although I dunno if the moderator can do this.
That one was on here for over an hour posting that crap only to know it will be deleted within hours without anyone having read it. What a waste of time. I agree there should be some sort of detection so these people can be blocked before they set off their spam bomb. Do new forum members have to be approved before they can post? It's been so long since I joined I forgot.
on the subject of spammers....check out the latest member Fletch7205 How do I know it's a spammer? ...click information on it's profile
here's another way to spot 'em the html code they ALL try to use like <a href="http://blahblahblah" ect also you'll see their birthday changes in a matter of a few lines of text.