We never got 100% collecting daily before. Do you mean collecting the regular 75% boost daily and not using it until say end of the week, and not able to do that now cause have to drop below allocated points to stamina?
Oh this is bullcrap at it's finest. You have to much stamina please get rid of excess amount before collecting your daily rewards. There is your catch 22 right there. Never had to worry about stacking boosts up before and being penalized so long as you collected on the 7th day.
I believe what Demonik is saying is that if you store them and collect 350% of your stamina at one time, you miss out on all of the 50 stamina drops you get each time you level up unless you get below your max. It doesn't have anything to do with having "too much" stamina, it has to do with how the level up rewards don't stack. What if you want to save them up for an event (such as arenas)?
Ya know Kano did something , that so many have complained about for years, , Not me, I never had an issue with the 50 stamina, on a level up, but they made a change and it is still not good enough lol ya can't please everyone. lol Oh well,
I've never had an issue with losing energy or stamina upon leveling up over the years, either. The POINT is why do we have to lose it? Especially now that we can have 350% of energy or stamina at one time... is 50 or 100 extra stamina really going to make THAT much of a difference? I do like being able to continue to get 50% daily boosts as long as I continue to log in each day. It's not about "not being good enough," it's about common sense.
Actually Jared. It does have to with stamina. I have never had a problem of stacking all 7 days worth of boosts. You collect your boost that a friend gifts you. Then you go to rewards and collect the 7 days worth of boosts. Now it doesn't work this way anymore. If you collect your gift boost from a friend and then try to go collect the boosts for 7 days it will not let you anymore until you deplete down to the amount of your original full stamina count you have. So yes it's a ripoff and a screw me over kano update.
Not sure how it screws you over, unless you want to save it for another day. Do you not burn all that stamina anyways that day?
When you actually do collect the way most of us do it actually puts more into your stamina this way. You notice how it gives you a percentage with your friends boost they send to you added to your stamina you already have. When you collect both of those it goes to a higher amount and then it does the same way with the days boosts collected.
So your claiming the daily % works off of total stamina had a current time, (even if over max allocated points)? and normal friends boost of 75% doesn't?
Normal friends boost does Boost you over then from there whatever stamina you get from that in total with the amount of stamina you have. And then with the amount of new stamina you have you collect your boosts from dailys combined the total percentage plus the new one accumulates into one large lump even more. Do you see it now. Now we have to go back to the original stamina amount you have in skills before you collect your dailies. Thus resulting in loss of stamina.
Daily Reward Warning! Your current Stamina is too high to accept your Daily Rewards. Please use at least (XXXX) Stamina before collecting. That's new, thanks for nothing....Again
I am not able to collect in any of the games. beside for zombie slayer. it tells me .. Daily Reward Warning! Your current Stamina is too high to accept your Daily Rewards. Please use at least678 Stamina before collecting. before this update it did not matter how much stamina I had to collect. please let me know if I am to accept this as it is or if you can fix it ? Thank you
Thanks for the update! Can I suggest adding an Alternate option so that we can get stamina/energy on a rotating basis, rather than one or the other. Right now you have to manually change it if you want this. Second, the new players will benefit more from this since they have not allocated skills based on scarcity of stamina and energy that is now more abundant than ever. Finally, it looks like you fixed a bug that allowed someone to boost their max energy or stamina and then collect the daily reward based on their boosted total. I didn't know about the bug but apparently quite a few people have known about it and taken advantage. Was it really a bug or a feature that is being deprecated, and if it was a bug, what will be done about the abusers?
Sucks ass....I used my my boost but can't use my daily reward.. Why?? That sucks change back dumb idea.
Now I have this problem .. Pending Rewards Day 219: 50% Boost to Stamina Daily Reward Warning! Your current Stamina is too high to accept your Daily Rewards. Please use at least 1699 Stamina before collecting. Which I did not have before. Change back. Where is the benfit?
Out of curiosity are there any plans for when one levels up for the energy to actually go over the max amount you have? As i see it if I save up my energy for 7 days for raids and then collect, even if I'm at the start of xp for a level I am going to lose alot of energy. 21k energy is going to do me a few levels before I get down to 2500 energy...For the 500 energy upon level up to actually go back into my account.
Now, I'm really confused. Let's say I have 3,000 stamina, and I have none left. I use a friend's boost for 75%, which would give me 2,250. Then I used my daily reward of 50%, which would give me 3,750. Because that's over my max, I have to use some first before I can use them both that day. But I still get 3,750 stamina. I may not be able to collect one after the other, but whether you're able to or not, you still get the same amount. This has nothing to do with how much stamina you actually have, it has to do with what you have allocated. What I plan to do is collect a friend's boost for the arena later, which means I can't collect the 7 days' worth of rewards I have saved until I'm below my allocated maximum. Either way, I will still use all of it today (probably on bosses, since I'll probably only last about 3 minutes in the arena and won't get to use it there, but that's another subject). Is it really a big deal that you can't walk around boosted to 200% of your stamina allocation at one time?