[All] Server competitions

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by neill1990, Apr 5, 2016.

  1. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    Been thinking of a good way to incorporate server competitions, think i finally found it.

    As it stands now all servers and games player count varies drastically so just an all out competition of what server pulls the highest amount of points wouldn't work. The best way would be to have it based on active player average, here is an example-

    Raid kill total competition-
    Server active player count:
    FB 5657 players
    kanoplay s2 986 players
    kong/armor 750 players

    total for server kills:
    FB 12570 raid kills
    kanoplay s2 1851 raid kills
    kong/armor 1964 raid kills

    Average raid kills per active player:
    FB 2.514
    kanoplay s2 1.877
    kong/armor 2.62

    This means the rankings would be:
    1st kong/armor
    2nd FB
    3rd kanoplay s2

    The winner would be be awarded a special item, some sort of boost or even 1 level worth of xp and cash maybe 5 FP or possibly a choice between several options. The rewards for rank 2 would be a minor amount of cash or minor amount of xp, just something that shows they were close to winning but not quite. Third place would get no reward. The way active players is determined is by how many have joined that select event, this would make it so people with alts would be greatly discouraged to use them because that extra person could be the difference between winning and losing.

    Been a while since i last posted an idea, guess i ran dry lol but itl be just like all my other ones, ask any questions as you see fit and if you need something clarified just post and ill try my best to clear things up.
  2. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Sorry Nellie but no for me. And if truth be told facebook platform would always win out not the kong armor or kano play s2. If you had that many active players on facebook using your numbers their would be more kills as a platform and way more as individuals. Raids have made the game lopsided with to many mid range to high level players coming up using them to level fast. And because of that the whole ratio would always go to the facebook platform as the winner. Not the other platforms.
    Justin the killer likes this.
  3. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    I see you said example, but were you pulling these #'s from? Oh yeah and no thanx on the idea, whipping out a credit card on raid bosses doesn't need anymore enticements, little as your suggestions are on the rewards...
    Justin the killer likes this.
  4. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    it is an example, was using random numbers but kept it somewhat accuracte to what server is largest to smallest corresponding to what server has the most and what one has the least.
  5. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    FB wouldnt always necessarily win though, since they have more players that would actively be playing in the server wide event that means they have to kill way more raids compared to the smaller servers.

    Also raid competition was just an example of what it could be, there could be one for x amount of battles, bosses killed ect. there are a ton of possibilities for what the event could be, just thought raids would be the easiest to explain lol.
  6. Justin the killer

    Justin the killer Well-Known Member

    this aint gonna work didnt they tell us that before if i remeber correctly plus second of all i dont wanna Merge after all the hard work on put into my seperate games are u outta of your mind...an u gonna be lookin at some pissed off people around the world if this happens cause of the money they have puttin into the games they have been on the longest aint no need to do this....so good luck with this thread working an my star will be 0 cause i dont like that idea....now for me i put in some massive hours an years on my gameplay an i be damn if i lose the progress that i have made an if this does work you are gonna be owning people money instead of Kano if it the way to be...dont mean to be rude but im just saying my throughts about this idea in this thread...an dont go by amount of people on the server goes by how much time an effort be have put there money into an kano as to take that into consideration an appreciation...have a nice day!!
  7. Chasity

    Chasity Well-Known Member

    As I read it, this wouldn't be a "merging" of the games, but rather a tallying of numbers from each separate server. ~don't see any harm in it :)
    neill1990 likes this.
  8. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    And again your math is wrong. It would be Armor and the Kp2 side that would need to do more because of less players. If they wanted to compete against another platform they would have to step up and do more to be able to win your competition which won't happened since those two platforms combined still don't come close to facebook players. If you want competition come play on the facebook platform. Otherwise stay in your little bubble with those two platforms and hit a bunch of fake accounts players keep creating on those in order to not be bored to death and have something to do. But again still no won't support this and 1 star.
    Kirsten likes this.
  9. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    this isnt about server merging lol, this is server competition based on averages of active players playing, which i believe would discourage alts because more people means they will have to compensate by obtaining more points to keep same or greater average.
    Chasity likes this.
  10. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    the points for the competition wouldnt be raw amount/total but instead and average so that means more players have to kill more to obtain that higher average. less players that are in competition will be less amount of points to be able to obtain the equivalent average compared to the bigger platforms. If everybody on kong started creating alts that would destroy our odds of winning because then everybody that is creating them would have to compensate by getting more kills per account to have a higher average score.
  11. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Okay if your going to do it that way then still no. Because your cuddling a small amount of individuals and it doesn't benefit everyone as a whole. So again 1 star still and no.
    Justin the killer likes this.
  12. Justin the killer

    Justin the killer Well-Known Member

    only problem i see neil even if it is average or greater they can still boost off of each other an do that too if ya didnt think about that issue related whichs means more players will have more alts to boost off even boosting with alts on there main accounts just to keep everything under control without being caught...ya always wanna consider on what u are writing before u come out with a idea like this...more problem more issues where that the loyal players will eventually stop playin but i doubt that cause i know this idea in this thread aint gonna work...
  13. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    If they did do that then they would either have to spend money not on only their own account but also their alt(if they would spend money otherwise could be a challenge to compensate for it)

    If some people do decide to use multiple alts then wouldnt that make it all the easier to kano to catch them as well or just ban that account from competition or something, there are almost always solutions to alt problems.
  14. Justin the killer

    Justin the killer Well-Known Member

    but problem is the cheaters got there way of bypassing the systems an as kano quoted in my support if i recall they dont have the (Tools) to put them away...so u go figure kano might of well let all them cheaters get away with it since clearly its gonna be like that cough one game where they had no choice but to shut it down an its gonna be this way in the Near Future...just saying nothing bad..but i do agree in somewhat on where u coming from but in parts of it i just dont agree at some point an i am not good at explaining lol
  15. AXXO

    AXXO Well-Known Member

    well facebook will be having the upper hand anyway. more players. unless they decided to do something like merging SWs. for an example, syndicate wars will be merged and held on the same day- same time, all participants (syndicates) in all networks will join one big syndicate war goes for 4 days. rather than bosses, it will be practical, and could be fair as its all upto syndicates.
  16. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    That would be a good idea a cross server armada war, not sure if possible but if so would probably be my new favorite event lol.

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