The new crate items are terrible for defense...why not make the crates a little more balanced between att and def?
Because some players like those items heavy on either attack or defense to use in their loadouts. I know I'd like to add a 532 attack weapon and/or a 502 vehicle if I had the FPs to spare.
You are missing my point. The crates this time are loaded only on att. None of the new items are loaded for def. It would make the crates more attractive if at least one of those items were heavy on def. So my question for Kano devs. remains: why not make the crates attractive for both aff and def players?
Generally out statistics show us that Attack-biased items are more popular based on how quickly they are snapped up when they go on sale. I'll let the developers know to mix in one or two more Defensive items in the future, though.
Because last crate had defense heavy items they switch it up you cant just keep selling one of the same kind
No one is asking them to just sell one kind of item. but if all the crates could have at least one good def and one good att, it would be nice
Yes, agree with that, why would you only focusing on attack or evened items. at least one item should come with low attack max defense.
hello,half an hour ago,i purchased 3 don crates...can someone tell me where i can open them,pls,ty for your reply!
They open automatically. Check your inventory to see if new items were added. If not open a ticket with support.