[LCN] Scarp the rigs

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Wabbit Ade, Dec 17, 2015.

  1. Wabbit Ade

    Wabbit Ade New Member

    Hi time you scarped the rigs , to many running off when they go offline with friends rigs ok they can list each other , but anyone can take them down
  2. Aapje

    Aapje Well-Known Member

    ehhhhhh, what?
    The Navigator likes this.
  3. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    yeah really ??? wow
  4. Orez

    Orez Active Member

    What? o.0
  5. Gazember

    Gazember Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

  6. Blue Nose

    Blue Nose Active Member

    Disagree with this.
    Orez likes this.
  7. Jaegermeister

    Jaegermeister Active Member

    1. 1.
      a very steep bank or slope; an escarpment.
    1. 1.
      cut or erode (a slope or hillside) so that it becomes steep, perpendicular, or precipitous.
    The Navigator likes this.
  8. RafeDavid

    RafeDavid Well-Known Member

    Rigged ignitions are one of the few actual stereotypical mobster activities in the game. You can't get rid of them.
    The Navigator and Orez like this.
  9. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    booo bad idea wtf are you even thinking

    well lets do away with fighting too then, the bossees and everything else and just do job drops for these farmville players this is a PVP and you need way to defend yourself if it aint a rig they kill themselves on it would be attacking someone or syndicate group punch they still will die without you benefiting then you will complain about this... Bring the DRIVE BY IDEA is place instead and give them something else to complain about again active the new feature THE DRIVE BYS.........
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 18, 2015
    Rhenkle1 likes this.
  10. The Navigator

    The Navigator Active Member

  11. Gazzaaaa

    Gazzaaaa Active Member

    Disagree with "scarping" them - they are a fun part of the game!
  12. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    a defensive part of the game without them there would be times of mass chaining and no chance to play I remember those days

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    LOL I really wouldn't agree with getting rid of rigs..... they are a huge part of the game. Although for me personally, I couldn't careless how many times I hit a rig as leveling has never been a problem and if I want to kill someone, I am going to list them regardless. And I don't think setting a rig has ever discouraged anyone from listing me. this may just be a Kong LCN thing as there most of the older players have zero intention on leveling. They prefer to stay mid level and just get stronger from passed down higher level bosses and buying items.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2015
    Orez and Rhenkle1 like this.
  14. Michael Wheet

    Michael Wheet Active Member

    Get rid of rigs? No. This is a major component of the game structure itself.
  15. AXXO

    AXXO Well-Known Member

    No, and I didn't get what he said, but No,NO, NOOOOOOO
  16. GATMAN

    GATMAN Active Member

    Disagree with "scarping" them - they are a fun part of the game! (love the newly redefined word usage)
    Gazzaaaa likes this.

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    Oh, and another reason for rigs.... great way to save a link! I use the list of people I have rigged to find people I want to list without losing Kong chat. And if they list me and hit the rig, their link is in my feed so I can re-rig and then list while I am there if they are still alive.
    Gazzaaaa and Orez like this.

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