riding the hitlist

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by icedfate, Feb 20, 2011.

  1. icedfate

    icedfate Member

    ok, i've been curious about this behaviour fow a while now.

    somtimes i will see someone on the hitlist a high level and they stay there for over an hour without being killed.

    I assume they are staying logged in online and constantly healing every 2 seconds to keep from being killed.

    I also assumed that they must be doing it because they have high defense and people are attacking them and losing which nets them lots of experience points.

    in a previous thread people are telling me, this is not the case. that people get no xp for riding the hitlist and they only do it to build up a list of rivals....

    all I know is this...when I get attacked and I win I get a message like this

    "you were attacked by such and such with a fight boost of 20% and won the fight gaining $5000 and 119xp"

    it sure looks like I'm getting xp.....is there some flag that appears on your character that when you are on the hitlist you get this message instead? :

    "you were attacked by such and such with a fight boost of 20% and won the fight gaining $0 and 0xp"

    another thing I noticed is when I've attacked people on the hitlist and lost, instead of attacking me right back they hitlist me as well....so whats the point of building up a rivals list if your not going to fight them?

    I originally assumed that someone could provoke another player into hitlisting them and then they sit there healing and healing and healing and every fight they win will give them xp without having to spend stamina, people tell me I'm wrong about this..

    also what the point of building up a rivals list of low level newbs dumb enough to attack you even though you are way stronger than them? you wont get any hardly xp for retaliating!
  2. bounty attacks give 0 exp.attacks in a regular match if you win you get exp.

    when attacked and winning on hitlist it says you were attacked by xxxx and won the battle/fight
  3. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Some people who ride the hitlist simply don't want to let the hit put on them fall into enemy hands and therefore they ride the list, waiting for friends to come along and take them down. That's what I do on Viking Clan. I wait for good friends to declan me and take me down, giving them up to trillions of coins. I don't know when I was hitlisted the last time on ZS, seems like no one want's to pay for me.

    Also, fights are capped at 40, after a while the people who can take away quite some health are no longer able to attack you and then you don't need to bother healing every few seconds.

    The current #6 on myspace Zombie Slayer was on the list for 9 hours. Lucky me, he went offline and I could take him down. No one still bothered going for him. I could take him down at a rather sedated pace. I even had the time to check if he was online and what not.
  4. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    Maybe it's just the difference between VC/PC and ZS, but when I am on the hitlist and being attacked, it says, "You were bounty attacked by xxxx and won the battle." If you lose, it says, "You were bounty attacked by xxxx and lost the battle, losing (number of coins)." I don't know...you *might* get gold if you are bounty attacked and win, but I don't remember.

    Otherwise, you see:
    If you lose, it says, "You be attacked by xxx with a Battle Boost of X% and lost the Battle, losing xxx coins."
    If you win, it says, "You be attacked by xxx with a Battle Boost of X% and won the Battle gaining xxx coins and xxx XP."
  5. Ace

    Ace Member

    On hitlist, the message is pretty similar above:
    "You were hitlist attacked by SOMERANDOMNAME with a fight boost of 15% and won the fight!"

    I don't remember if you earn coins when bounty-attacked, and I'm not gonna give it a shot right now lol, but you gain no exp, that's for sure.

    About listing back, that's one thing I do (and many others as well) since I don't have the 250 Hits Placed achievement yet, and listing lower levels is far cheaper than keep listing people worth over a billion.

    The reasons for riding were stated above, gaining a rival list or, as Das liebe said, keeping the enemy from getting the cash.

    And btw, you can attack a person over 40 times if he/she's on the hitlist, I've spent like 70 stamina trying to get Dread Pirate Roberts today.
  6. malific

    malific Member

    You earn no XP or coins whatsoever on Hitlist. All fight messages on you are shown as 'You were attacked by X guy and won/lost the fight.'
    The only thing that increases while up on Hitlist as I said earlier, is the survival streak.

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