Retaliatory boosted attacks against lower levels who use boosted attacks

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by vyktah don DADA, Jul 21, 2014.

  1. vyktah don DADA

    vyktah don DADA New Member

    At times, I am attacked by players significantly lower in level (200-300 levels ) using a boost (up to 37.25%) to attack me so that they can get wins when doing so. While that's fine for them, why can I not use a boost to attack them in return? If the lower level or weaker player is stepping out of his 'range' to attack a higher level or stronger player with a boost, that player should then become open for similar boosted attacks. A simple additional tab where we have the punch, attack, hitlist, rig ignition options in the rival mobs tab can easily remedy this. I've asked this question in the past and was given the perfunctory "We'll look into it and get back to you" reply which resulted in nothing. Can we get a definitive answer as to whether or not this feature will become available to us for retaliatory attacks with a boost against those who use a boost against us? Not to say, we should be allowed to attack lower level mobsters with a boost at random, but, if lower levels attack with one, it should seem logical that we should be able to retaliate fairly against them by attacking them with a boost as well. I know you love to cater to lower level mobsters however, in this instance the favoritism is providing an unfair advantage without an equal counter measure for the higher levels aside from blowing a rig to list (which costs Xpts) or placing ambushes both of which cost the higher level player money while using a boost costs the lower level player nothing and gives him extra xpts and wins using an unfair advantage that the developers have endorsed at the expense of higher level players.
    Mirana likes this.
  2. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Just get an adrenal boost and and be sure you elites that gives the boost is full and up the stamina, the .25 is from their character, but it is a waste of stamina IMO and anyone who is low who uses it just does not understand that stamina is worth more than any other skill. There are alot of players in all these games that are just not with the program.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2014
    Reg Hahn and ben like this.
  3. vyktah don DADA

    vyktah don DADA New Member

    The adrenaline boost only ups your attack by like 5%, which is not enough to overpower an account that is set up with heavy defense. The option should be available to retaliate with the SAME % boost that was used against you.
  4. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    They are using stamina , you can also , just push your slider all the way up , the elite and adrenal boost give you 10% then the stamina takes it all the way to 37%. But understand they are blowing thru their stamina to do this. a regular attack takes 1 stamina using the boost uses more, I never boost so not sure but Maybe 5 stam for each attack . But if you can beat someone with one stam and the other two boosts stamina that is your best bet.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2014
  5. vyktah don DADA

    vyktah don DADA New Member

    The issue is LOWER LEVEL ACCOUNTS being allowed to use a boost when attacking ME, while I am NOT allowed to use the same or any boost against them as they ONLY APPEAR on my rivals and NOT on my fightlist and therefore, the option to use a boost in retaliation IS NOT AVAILABLE. I am asking the devs to correct this so that we may use the same boost being used against us, on those using them on us. Not to attack random lower levels, but, to be able to effectively defend ourselves against those using boosts to gain an unfair advantage when attacking us. I am well aware of how to use a boost and when to do so, my issue is the unfair situation created by allowing lower levels to use a 37.25% boost when they attack us and we can only go back at them with our regular attack which sometimes isn't enough against an account with a stacked defense load out.
    Tony_G likes this.
  6. Reg Hahn

    Reg Hahn Member

    Punching a much lower level player is usually a waste of time, the amount of damage you do is often in single digits because KANO protects them from bullying.
    I don't know what level you are, obviously 300 levels to someone who is level 6000 is a smaller difference than it is to someone who is level 1000, but in most cases I'd expect to someone 200-300 levels lower than you are to be beaten without a boost. If not you need to be adding mob in a hurry and/or upgrading your weapons.
    There's hardly anyone in the game who can't get their ass kicked by someone else, nobody wins them all, but 200-300 levels is a bigger gap than I'd expect for the average player.
  7. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    I don't think Vyk cares about that. He just wants to be able to do it. The same way that players go for pk's "just because."
  8. vyktah don DADA

    vyktah don DADA New Member

    Perhaps you're not accounting for the new weapons being purchased by these lower levels to increase their attacks. When coupled with a boost, they can even bypass leveling altogether and just bully from below while we remain helpless to do anything but stay down or hide in the hospital as higher level weaklings due to unfair advantages offered to lower levels that are not afforded to those of us above their level. I realize I can add more weapons and since I am 2,000 mob I can not add more mob. Thanks for asking me to plop more money into this application than I already have to make things even when it would just require a minor tweak on your end to achieve this same aim. I was not asking that we be allowed to attack any lower level with a boost, solely those who are using them against me. Maybe, if you actually played this game seriously, I wouldn't be wasting my time trying to explain this simple concept to you. The fact that at my level (just a bit above 2200 for your edification) I should be beating lower levels is obvious, thanks for elucidating as much. However, I am attempting to level the playing field and be allowed to fight fire with fire. Much like punching a higher level will leave you open to retaliatory attacks, using a boost should leave you open to be retaliated against with the same boost regardless of level. If you were dumb enough to use a boost, you'd better be smart enough to ambush against the expected retaliation. Thanks for your condescending response, but, in future, just ignore me as you've been doing in the past rather than waste my time reading information I am well aware of that isn't much if any help at all.
  9. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Are you doing bosses, are you crafting are you adding skill points to your weaker areas, there is plenty you can do to overcome stronger players no matter what their level or how much clan they have, I see players all the time level off the undead/valhalls,deadmobbie,etc, while neglecting other areas, and those player for the most part seem to be weak for their xp range 90% of the time. Just asking??
  10. vyktah don DADA

    vyktah don DADA New Member

    @Reg, I don't think you understood my question at all. At no point did I mention ANYTHING about punches. My point was solely referencing whether or not the KANO devs would be implementing a slider on the rivals page that would allow for retaliatory attacks with a boost when you are attacked by someone using the same boost.
  11. vyktah don DADA

    vyktah don DADA New Member

    I'm crafting all day, doing bosses, gaining drops, buying special items and crates. I am not new to this despite my being new to the forums. I've played this for many years on facebook and for the past two on Kong. The fact that lower level players are using up to 37.25% boosts and we can only attack back with our regular attacks leaves higher levels open to bullying from lower levels while protecting lower levels from the same. This is asinine at best.
    FYI, this is not a stronger player we are talking about here, but, any player at a much lower level that while using the maximum boost is allowed to beat someone into the hospital and set them up for a PK, while all one can do in return is use their regular attack. Why can't a slider be added to the rivals page to allow retaliatory attacks back with the same boost they used? I can't believe this simple question is so difficult to answer.
  12. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Hmm had no idea kano games on kong have been around for two years, thought it was pretty recently. Hmmm you do realize that using those boosts uses alot more stamina than a regular attack using 1 stamina,anyway gonna go look cause I always have people use those boosts on me,I don't use them if I need a boost I would use a rum and maybe a change of loadout, that usually is enough for a rival with strength close to mine. BRB Ok went to my fight page and the slider is there to use more stam , so I am confused what and where else you want or need access to a boost to attack??And you do know there are new characters that give a boost all the time., so that is why you are seeing .25% added to the 37 which is a combination of a rum and elite and stamina slider pushed all the way over. If I am wrong about understanding you ,but I am correct about how they can attack with a 37.25% If I am missing your point I am sorry.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2014
  13. foxysiren

    foxysiren Well-Known Member

    Oh man lol I feel for you Vyk :p and yeah it's a good idea...You see Kirsten you can only use the slider on your own fight range and higher range. You cannot see lower levels on your fightpage so hey presto you don't have the slider, hence why Vyk was asking for it on the rivals page.
    Kirsten likes this.
  14. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Yeah I understand that,I thought he was talking about those on his rival,list, but I also don't boost to attack anyone other than the elite and rum boost ,But I know people attack me all the time with a 34% or 37 % boosts , so having never done it myself ,thanks Foxy ;)

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