[PC] Remove attacked cage xp limit

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by Jared, Oct 22, 2012.

  1. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    Originally Posted by The Protector
    You be challenged to a Cagematch by removing name so there's no complaint with a Battle Boost of 5%. You won gaining 0 coins and 0 XP. You dealt 6000 damage and took 4000 damage.

    If someone loses a cage then the attacked should be getting exp regardless if the attacker reached the cage limit for payout or not.

    It's not the attacked's fault the attacker reached the cage limit.

    Not sure if it's a oversight(bug)or intentional.

    If it's intentional then that's just wrong.

    If it's a bug then I hope it gets fixed soon.

    Pretty self-explanatory, I believe... original thread not posted in ideas section, so I have started it here on behalf of the OP
  2. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Poor design.

    Defo a 10.

    I missed your post on that Jared.
  3. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    I would be curious to know the reason for the "intentional design aspect". I'm not looking for unlimited xps for cages. But I rarely cage myself, and if I'm caged by someone else and win, I don't understand why I wouldn't get the xps because the ATTACKER has reached his or her cage limit for the day?

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