At the rate that these things are gathered, it would be nice to be able to remove ALL of the particular items that we'd like to have gone. Sure takes a long time to remove 2300 Flaming Basketballs when you can only do 20 at a time. I'd like to see either a much larger number than 20, or a 'remove all' button.
maybe a 100 option as this is a safe guard for all games as you wouldn't want to accidentally remove all by mistake but 100 is quicker than 20 for those who want to remove all
Agreed. The idea of accidentally removing things is of concern, but even something that allows you to input the exact amount you'd like removed is even acceptable. Anything is better than 20, just based on pure volume of the items gathered.
i gave it a 10 i know it's been brought up before....many times it seems like. I think its a good idea.
I just discovered how to remove all. If you go to inventory, then select "Original System" and click on Special Items. You can now select Weapons, Gear, etc and choose how many to remove. You can remove them all at one time using this method.
Personally, I wouldnt recommend removing anything. On more than one occasion seemingly worthless items have again become useful either through black smithing or the occasional upgrade by Kano. the exception for me was items that upkeep .