Kirsten... I again say you didn't either read my entire original comment or you didn't understand what I said. Part of my original comment stated "my actions showed - 1420 attacks and healed the raid in 780 heals for a total of 2200 actions."
I did not have my minimum of ALL actions in. I used 20 stamina per attack which put me with more actions than heals. So yes, I guess I could have lowered my stamina used to make let's say only 1,220 attacks, but it still doesn't cover the problem of only 780 heals. That's still 2,000 TOTAL ACTIONS, no matter how you look at it.
Obviously your friends are doing less than the 20 stamina attacks which put them at a lower number of attacks and then only heal for their 1,000 heals so you see 2,000 Total Actions and yes, in fact they did do their 2,000 lame actions and just took up a spot on a raid. Not really helping, just taking space and getting a reward.
I don't just take up space on a raid. I help. I've seen you on raids. You help. But you and I both know there are far too many people who just "take up space" to get a reward and go on their merry way.
My whole point in my original post was to let the Dev's know that the Total Actions tab doesn't give the real picture of number of damage actions and heal actions. Personally I don't care what the amount of Healing Actions is. I want the real picture of true hits and heals actions in terms of the Minimum Amounts done.

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