Raid boss thoughts

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Demonik1, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    Howdy fellow gamers, your friendly neighborhood demon here to talk about the influx of levelers in our kano games.....alot of us, myself included, have complained about the raids and how everything is pay to play now and how its killing the game and blah blah blah wah wah. And then I remember thinking a while back about how there's noone to fight in my range and how the boredom was growing and alot of us whining about that as well and then BOOM the raid bosses arrived. I look at the competition around me and slowly but surely, people that were nobody and never a second thought are on my rival list and i have a bit more to do when i play now. Definitely a good thing and once i noticed this, I started to back off tue raid bosses a little and let the ones behind me catch up a bit and it has worked out well for me and made the game more fun than it has been for a long time. So all complaining aside, and still some tweaking is needed, I'd have to say kano just might know what they're doing and I'd like to thank them all for a job well done....or at least done ;p
  2. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    I have always suspected that was Kano's aim, unless I am giving them too much credit, for me the plus side is I am working on raisng my stamina and I spend next to nothing on refills , always a good thing.
  3. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Well thanks for the kind words, @Demonik1 . Having more people in your battle range is certainly a pleasant effect of the Raids. :)

    We are coming up on a year that this feature has been out (October 3 in Viking Clan if I recall correctly), so Aardvark and I are pushing for the devs to make some changes. Hopefully we see traction on that soon!
    Demonik1 and Kirsten like this.

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