Raid 5- Technofascists

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Xipe Totec, Mar 18, 2015.

  1. Xipe Totec

    Xipe Totec Active Member

    Hi Mi7ch,

    Any feedback from the developers on the disparity in xp between levels that was raised in the previous raids? and what can we expect in this one?
  2. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    I hope to see some better xp myself. VC was the same boss as the first Im just glad we have a different one :)
  3. Applejack

    Applejack Active Member

    i would say to expect the same as what has happened in the past. i haven't heard anything about changes to xp. if anything does change, it won't be for at least 2 months because kano is working on something else.
  4. foxysiren

    foxysiren Well-Known Member

    Lol I was just coming here to ask the very same question Xipe
    Justin Cartier likes this.
  5. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    No change in XP for this Raid Boss.
  6. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    We need to face it, they are here to stay and this is the best xp we might see out of them :( i give up
    Easy To Remember likes this.
  7. foxysiren

    foxysiren Well-Known Member

    I'm afraid I will not be doing them this time again. I'm chomping at the bit to spend money on doing raids if and when the xp situation is fixed. Using 1k stam and 1k energy for half a level isn't helping anyone over level 5k.
  8. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    i wont be hopping in on all sorts to help, i wont spend no money, i got 2 lvls last night for ever 10 fps spend in the ba i have 4300 stamina of course but thats not a bad deal when with raids 10 fps barely gets me a lvl, we have complained, was told it was going to change, months later nothing, thats all i have to say im not going into any more the only thing I can say is I will not spend for these anymore and I know a hole bunch of others too. Kano you asked for our thoughts about things but why does it seem it gets no where but the opposite of what we say.
  9. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    HAHA Foxy for me it is 3500 stamina and 1600 energy for a lvl off raids,
  10. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    if i attack some one and get good xp its 14,000 xp for 20 stamina7000 to 8800 xp for 20 stam in the basome of the lower boss's give me low 5000 xp for 20 stam and 5,040 xp for joiningso 6000 xp for 20 stam in a raid plus having to use energy to heal is not cost efficent
  11. I'm kinda glad they have decided to still do sweet feck all about the XP situation for the higher levels in LCN. That means I can for the second time ignore pretty much all raid bosses (except those I know will get killed by someone who levels off them) without having to worry about people gaining even more levels on me from raid bosses. If you were to significantly change it to make it more fair (notice I didn't say equal) then there's a strong possibility that I can't afford to ignore them but instead have to dig deep to keep up. Hint hint.

    Of course I hate this feature so the only reason for my future participation is that I can't afford not to or the 4-5 years I've spent getting the character to where I am now will go to waste. I wish the Captain of Industry anno 2011 knew that in the future Kano would give you the opportunity to get 4-5000 levels from 2-3 feature installments ( 7-10 days "work") so I could just sit back and relax while I stock up on my godfather points and stamina and energy to prepare for this "exhilirating" event. That would mean the Captain of Industry anno 2015 wouldn't be a grumpy crybaby moaning about every stupid change Kano make (as I would benefit from them). There is a slight (or huge) possibility the the Captain of Industry anno 2012-2014 wouldn't be playing any Kano games at all, though. But let's leave that out of the equation.

    I just love the fact a major feature in a PvP game gives you the opportunity to hide dead or in hospital in the entire period in which you can easily do 500-1000 levels. Same goes for Syndicate Wars (just log on to do the tokens, then log back off without having to worry about anyone attacking you) and Battle Arena. I regret getting all those GF items because there is noone to use them on. Can I get a refund pretty please?
  12. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    All i know i broke it down 6000 xp at 20 stamina is 300 xp for 1 stamina if I am not mistaken I have seen better xp off a punch in warmode Am I correct or heck even a lose in warmode for 1 xp is 323 plus and also i dont have to use energy to play and that xp for healing should be way more than attack since thats the hardest part of these things is getting people to heal....
  13. Epaphus

    Epaphus New Member

    No change in the XP rate? Thanks for the information. I won't be buying GF points for this raid boss.
  14. WendelinR

    WendelinR Active Member

    HAHA i thought exactly the same, i was the one defeating a lvl 100 illuminati boss at lvl 1k with only 1300 stam and like 10x refills just cuz i wanted to lvl up so bad.

    i would b 1k lvls higher by now for same FPs spent, its a difficult decision tho to raise the exp, maybe it helps low lvl players to catch up quicker and thats what lets them keep playing and stay motivated. thats what i want more than my own benefit: players keep playing and player base is growing.
  15. Friendly Fire

    Friendly Fire Well-Known Member

    There is something really wrong with the new Raids, the party health barely goes up as new players join I am on one that is full and the total party health is 68,418, is this an example of Kano's poor design or just an example of sucky coding?
  16. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Neither, more attacks against the Raid Boss before a Party wipe are required, so Health gets lowered to balance that out. When the Raid Party had more Health, less attacks were needed to wipe.
  17. Friendly Fire

    Friendly Fire Well-Known Member

    That just isnt the case though, the health lost when you attack is the same as last time
  18. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    thanks tells me not to waste anymore time on raids
  19. Xipe Totec

    Xipe Totec Active Member

    3 minutes ago
    Xipe Totec LCN has just completed the Raid Boss - Kill the Technofacists Achievement.
    Easy To Remember likes this.
  20. Xipe Totec

    Xipe Totec Active Member

    xp bad raid health bad.... not a good raid

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