im sure this has been asked before but i cant seem to find a thread on it. i hit a person, i am stronger in all. (all is green) im 36.11% stronger aswell. my chiefs are 1409 to his 1229. i hit him i win. yet wen he hits me i lose? wtf is that about. none of us are using boost. someone care to explain this 2 me. much appreciated. thx.
When u hit them your attack #s may be stronger than their defense #s in all categories, but their attack #s are obviously stronger than your def. #s when they attack you. These are completely separate categories and r computed separately.
Your strength in attack can be very different from your strength in defense; not only in your warriors and weapons but also depending on how you allocate your skill points. Keep in mind when buying your warriors and you weapons, when you are attacking you are using the attack value. Likewise, when you are defending you are using the defense value. Those can be 2 very different numbers. You can also increase your attack power by using the various boosts offered throughout the game. Defense power can be increased by adding people to you Elite/Contracts and by utalizing Counter Attacks. Elite/Contracts can be requested on your profile page. Counter Attacks can be setup on you Rival page located in the Battle section. The Rival page lists your recent attackers. Setting up a Counter Attack on a recent attacker will automatically give you a win on their next attack against you. You can find this and answers to other question in the FAQ section.
. I remember when i could have 50 counters.. now i can have 10, that´s so little, dunno why it changed.
Counter attack allocations start at 100, every 15 levels you advance that allocation drops by 1 to a minimum of 10.