Question about Gifting Ability

Discussion in 'New Player Area' started by nidanracni, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. nidanracni

    nidanracni New Member

    So, when you accept gifts from your mob members there is a button to either "Send this Gift" or "Send a Gift" back most of the time.

    But when you get a high level gift from a high level player that button never shows up and to return the favor you have to click on their name and then send a gift from their profile. Why doesn't the button show up for them?

    I don't know the exact situation in which this occurs because high level players tend to send me high level gifts so I don't know if the player level or gift level that makes this happen. But it always happens and is so frustrating when you're trying to keep track of who you gifted back to and who you haven't yet! Why????
  2. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    That situation generally happens when the player either has no Gift wishlist or the player's Gift wishlist contains items that are too high for your level so it doesn't automatically pull a Gift for you to send back. It can definitely be frustrating, so I'll pass your feedback to the developers and see if they can figure out a work-around.
  3. nidanracni

    nidanracni New Member

    That's what I thought it was at first but it happens even when I am able to send all 5 of their wishlist items.

    Thanks for the reply.
  4. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Can you add this to ask as well Mitch, I usually send gifts from helping adventures and send gift option doesn't always pop up, I'm guessing they haven't updated wishlist in "X" days but not sure. It's not that I have already sent them gift in last 24 hrs, so not sure why this happens. I'll have to go to their name as "nidanracni" stated above, and it's not because of my level of 7703.
  5. nidanracni

    nidanracni New Member

    Omg, it seems to be changed!! I only just had a couple high level incoming gifts when I logged in just now but I could send a gift back for both directly! Yay :)

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