Question about damage >.>

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Jersh, Jul 1, 2010.

  1. Jersh

    Jersh New Member

    Got a question about damage against bosses... how is it that another guy who is 30 levels lower than me, has about 30 less attack and has lower quality gear. When we both attack against the same boss using 5 stamina, he is hitting for roughly 400% more than i am?

    Erm... is there some vital aspect of the game i am missing out on here?
  2. Lil' Ms.Mandy

    Lil' Ms.Mandy Member

    The amount of health you have makes a difference in the amount of damage you do also.:)
  3. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Is it your boss? If so, when you start the boss fight and it shows your stats against the bosses are their any tips in red shown like low attack/defense or low health?

    It is likely that you have put very little into your Max Health, Max Health/Attack/Defense are all attributes used in fight damage outcome logic.
  4. Jersh

    Jersh New Member

    So.... max hps... and defense.... deal damage >.>

    this game's mechanics are somewhat....questionable.... Thanks for the advice though
  5. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Max Health does not deal the damage, attack vs bosses defense is used to deal damage and defense vs boss attack is used to calculate damage taken. For example if you had 0 attack (equipment, power attack item, character attack) you would not do any damage, if you had 0 defense you would take maximum damage.

    Boss Max Health and Players Max Health are used to help determine what your characters max damage is and can deal. If you have not invested much in Max Health you will not take much damage and will not deal much either, the alternative would have players that have not invested into Max Health die a lot more, we tried that and quickly found that it did not work very well and reverted that change.
  6. Jersh

    Jersh New Member

    I see.... you may want to update your help section a little... if i had known it was like this, i would have balanced out my stats a little more.... lol...

    On a related note.. Ummm are you guys going to add in a 'Reset Stats' function to the U.N. shop?
  7. Optimus Prime

    Optimus Prime Banned

    your life is Questionable, lol...

    this is great app..

    more health means you can do more damage, kinda makes sense. more health you have the more totle damage you can do to a boss per hit,

    but yes attack/damage does really affect totle damage taken in the long run..

    Please dont.. this would make me sad.. if there was, you could put all stats into energy/stam then ones you got to your opimun level you just move them all to attack or defence..

    point is to build your player as good as you can that there is no need to move stat points around.. (just ballance the problem over the many level your about to go past..
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2010
  8. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    I am the first to admit that we can communicate a little better what impacts what and by how much, we plan to add some new content that will hopefully help players understand how they can better strengthen their character for boss battles and regular battles.

    From our help it is a little wordy but should get the message across:

    "Health is lost in every type of Fight, how much depends on your opponents fight attributes (attack / defense / max health) compared to your own. Increasing Max Health will allow your character to survive more fights and increase the max damage potential that you can cause your opponent. Health refills with time. For quick refills of Health see The UN. Increase your maximum Health with Skill Points from your Profile. Each time you level up you will receive bonus health up to a maximum of 100000 or your character's max whichever is less. Max Health is an attribute that will need to be increased as you develop your character if you plan to be successful in Fights and Boss Fights."
  9. AbNo

    AbNo Member

    Ok, so max health DOES help in PvP. Good to know.
  10. The Whoorida

    The Whoorida Member

    Dude, wtf? He had a perfectly valid point, there's no need to start insulting him.

    These are the only games with A/D/H attributes that I've seen where H has any impact on damage dealt/received per turn. H is almost always used to determine how many hits you can sustain and A/D + equipment determine damage dealt/received. The mechanics for this game and it's relatives go against the norm for all the other attribute-based games so yes, they are in fact questionable.

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