This is something that I was thinking about today. If the idea has already been floated, I apologize. I was just wondering if "purchased" items could be set-up to upgrade to better items, when we out grow them, if we paid a small fee of like 3 - 5 GF points. It may be hard to set up, but if it could be done, Kano could profit and add to the bottom line and make players happy at the same time. Again, if this has been discussed before, I apologize. I'm not much of a "Forum" kinda guy, but it was a thought that I believe was worth checking on.
This is a idea actually in the mix, it's called artifact crafting, but got set on back burner for a bit due to other projects.
Yeah sucks because i was looking forward to artifact crafting. I am hoping they will get it finished soon before a new city. We don't need a new city in pirate clan we need more items to be able to craft up. Because we all know once a new city comes out the levelers will have it done in a week at most and complain about needing a new one again. At least with artifact crafting there is so many items that can be upgraded that will take time and effort.