I am trying to upgrade my Stronghold (in the US) from level 3 to level 4. It has been in upgrade status for over 2 days and has been saying "level 4 complete in 1 day" for 2 days now. Is this a bug? Have I done something wrong?
No what it means is it is not complete yet, and if I could make a suggest upgrade all your property's one level at a time instead of just that one.
I don't think you got my problem. It has been in upgrade mode for about 2 days. Like it has been stuck. In upgrade mode for 2 days while saying 1 day till completion. And if I might ask, why do one property at a time? How many levels can you upgrade?
that depends on the location. Updating time for Italy properties is much longer, some weeks or so. But I noticed that too, the time remaining is not always the right time, but if you think it might be a bug, this would be better for the bug forums