[All] Promte Games Idea

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by Reefer, Feb 2, 2015.


Would you play other games for a unique item reward?

  1. Yes

    5 vote(s)
  2. No

    4 vote(s)
  1. Reefer

    Reefer Active Member

    How about offering a unique item added to the other games? They way to obtain them would be reaching "X" level on a game. Could be like this: Reach level 150 on pirates you receive a ship on the other 3 games. It can have attack/defense equal to a limited item or calender. This would get some players to try out the other games.
  2. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Already play the 4 games.
  3. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    decent idea, it would have to be based on a certain amount of activity though, anybody can start a new acct and get to a low level pretty quick then quit after a couple jours
    George Burd likes this.
  4. Reefer

    Reefer Active Member

    Maybe lvl 500? Also if you already play all 4 it could be credited on your next level up.
  5. Lasinagol

    Lasinagol Active Member

    It would increase how many people play them overall, and all you hafta do is click a button at the top of the page.
    George Burd likes this.
  6. cricket_jumper

    cricket_jumper Well-Known Member

    Anything that brings more players across the games on Kong can only be a good thing. There are strong little communities on all the games, but they are for the most part little! OK, some of them would come across, get the item and leave, but some would stay and that cant hurt. SO as I say - IM in favour of anything that gets more people in.
    George Burd likes this.
  7. RainSunGone

    RainSunGone Well-Known Member

    sounds like a band-aid solution to me... don't get me wrong,i like free but they need to work on the things that'll keep people playing...
  8. Lasinagol

    Lasinagol Active Member

    A band-aid with coagulant can stop bleeding faster then applying pressure.
    Since that Api2.0 thingy Kano will be playing catch up for months. I would rather see a band-aid then a gaping wound.
  9. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    you can get to level 500 on any game in a few hours if you know what youre doing and the ones taking advantage of this DO know what theyre doing
    Lasinagol likes this.

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