possible miscalculation?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Genevieve Fay, Nov 10, 2011.

  1. Genevieve Fay

    Genevieve Fay Member

    ok this is odd. there's this guy that likes to hitlist me ...A LOT. I always keep a booby trap on them.

    despite the fact I always have a trap on them I always come back online and find I was hitlisted again.
    I assumed they were just getting hit by my trap and listing me anyway.

    now I just noticed something.

    I went to set an ambush on them and I clciked "how is this calculated" and it shows a tally of all the attacks I have on them and they have on me.

    it shows 3 successful hitlists on me but I have 0 successful booby traps on them.
    I know I always set the booby trap..I always have to reset the booby trap whenever I come back and see I'm listed.
    setting the trap is the first thing I do every session and yet....it appears as if this person is somehow circumventing my traps and disabling them.

    perhaps is just a mistake in the programming not counting it toward the battle stats.

    I'm attaching a screenshot I know this doesnt look like much but take my word for it..I booby trapped this opponent every time it listed me I ought to have 3 successful traps to its 3 successful hitlists because I had traps on it from before.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 11, 2011
  2. it looks like you completely stopped all attacks for at least 1 day

    im pretty sure that traps and ambushes alone will not reset the timer

    while hitlisting will keep resetting the timer

    as will punches

    but ambushes and traps alone im 99% sure wont reset the timer

    so its doesnt look like a glitch
  3. Genevieve Fay

    Genevieve Fay Member

    it appears that you are right. since this player is always dead and hiding in the hospital when I come online, I have not had the opportunity to attack and punch it. I see that counter went up today and counted the most recent trap
  4. Ace

    Ace Member

    It's what Atheistic stated. If you don't do any attacks on them your attack count resets. This is helpful for you, you'll notice Booby Traps will be cheaper and cheaper as time goes by.

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