Hi Gavin bro i know how its feel...
Parasurama The BloodAxe Legend Level 2535 Merchant Viking
Online Now!
You have 10 Skill Points. Use them to increase your skills below.
Attack 1355
Defense 1352
i calculated skill points info weapons/warriors and its like 2700 skill point will be 30 extra fire horse ... ! and one guy like (?x?) viking have 5000 fire horse in short time getting full energy from favor points.!
and to collect 2700 skill points i spend almost a year and was hard work to do so and that amount of 30 extra fire horses i can get easy by spending 100-150 favor points on energy in 5 min !! so its not fair how its working now!!
i will be happy to have my skill points on attack and defence if every skill point works like extra point on each weapon and warrior ¬ i know that im not in power to say what game should be - im just saying what can change my mind to have all my 2000+ skill points on att/def
this is one of emails i send to Kendall and he said that they testing att/def on Zombie Slayer and after that they will change to Viking Clan so Att/def will be better !?
hope attack and defence upgrade happen soon and all players who wait so long can enjoy new attacking and defending system 
and i know that Developers are busy at this time signs they working on new Apps- Zombie Slayer ...
Last edited: May 28, 2010