[PC] Pirate Clan is now Live on Armor Games!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Apr 3, 2014.

  1. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    As you might have guessed when we launched Pirate Clan on Kongregate last month, an Armor Games release wouldn't be far behind. Well, you'd be right as Pirate Clan is now available on Armor! It's tied into the Kongregate version so there's an existing player base for you to Clan with and Battle.

    You can find the game here: http://armorgames.com/pirate-clan-game/15877
  2. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    so since kong and armor are linked together there wouldnt really be a point of creating another account. thats okay though and man there were so many invites i have snet out today but i am not sure they are going through to the people. verry few accept and the others i was talking to were saying the same thing so not sure if invite is geting through to the armor games players, hopw it is though and it was just me having bad luck lol

    but it will be real nice having alot more players now

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