[PC] PIRATE CLAN ~ Givng better attack/defense values when upgrading the Gunnership

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by Margaret Cunningham, May 28, 2012.

  1. Margaret Cunningham

    Margaret Cunningham New Member

    Elite Gunnarship - needs to be given a MUCH better attack/defense value.

    I just reached level 3,000. I can NOW upgrade my Gunnarships (which I have had no use for before as they are a 88/88.)

    HOWEVER I find I have absolutely NO use for this newly crafted ship as it's value has only been upgraded to a 103/103 ~

    The kicker is that this useless-out-of-the-crate blacksmith Elite Gunnarship, is not upgradeable to a Legendary Gunnarship UNTIL LEVEL 4,500. I just BET that when I reach that level I will find that the value of that Legendary Gunnarship is just as worthless to me as the elite version turned out to be.....

    Hopefully Kano can research this a little and correct the values on this....
  2. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    May I ask how many captains you have?Unless you are fully stocked on Davy,that should have some value.If you're stocked on Davy,then you would have no use for blacksmith at all.
  3. Margaret Cunningham

    Margaret Cunningham New Member

    I have 1493 captains - and I don't know how YOU play, but YES I do have a use for Blacksmith items. I work hard at my game, and do a lot of crafting
  4. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Ok,I was just curious.Because,even 1493 captains,unless you have ALOT of Davy ships,I'm trying to figure out how a 103/103 is no help at all.

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