We will be performing cache server maintenance at 1pm Pacific Time (in about 2-hrs) due to required updates by our server host.
What this means to in-game data is that info that is not crucial to game play will be refreshed, data that will be impacted is as follows:
- Game History Feed
- Rivals List
- Counter Attack Costing
- Bounty Cost Increase
- Armada Feed
- Gift Counter for the day
- Misc Help Counters for the day
- Alerts will be re-shown (message, etc)
- Boss min dmg sliders will reset
We are looking to move some of the above to persistent storage (database) so that the once or twice a year that we have to do maintenance on our cache servers it does not impact any game data. Top priorities to move to persistent are Game History Feed and Rivals List.
Last edited: Dec 13, 2011