Page is not loading

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by bertusbolknak, Sep 12, 2010.

  1. bertusbolknak

    bertusbolknak New Member

    I'm trying to do my missions there but i only get half a page everytime when i refresh nothing changes. When i log out and log back in i only get half a page. i can't do my mission or go and fight my Boss. Helllllp
  2. Tizme

    Tizme Member

    Clear your browser's cache. Close and re-open browser. Reboot computer if neither of those works.
    That's what i do when this happens to me. Hope it helps.
  3. Big Ken

    Big Ken Member

    What browser are you using? Try and use fire fox or flock,I had this problem in street racing with internet explorer.
  4. Constantly REFRESHING Zombies

    I realize that thousands of people are playing Zombie Slayers but in the past couple of days I have noticed that I have to refresh my page more so than ever before. I HOPE the reason for the refreshing all the time is because KANO/APPS is updating the game for their dedicated players. :).......If that is not the case, THEN WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? :rolleyes: LOL....

    *Hugs* Sweeeeets aka ICE PICK ANNIE
  5. bertusbolknak

    bertusbolknak New Member

    I have fire fox and still got the problem. My cache is cleared everytime i log out and still i don't get a compleet page about the height of the friends it is cut off.
    With the bosses i only see the first 3 bosses and then nothing, and with the outbreaks only the first 2
  6. The Whoorida

    The Whoorida Member

    Are you using NoScript or AdBlock or any other page modifiying plugins? Is this on Facebook or MySpace? I believe on Facebook this happens when their javascript is unable to load the iframe for the game properly so if you have something blocking/modifying javascript or iframes you will get the cut-off page.
  7. this is still somewhat on topic since zombie slayer and page refreshing is being brought up.

    im on another kano game and sometimes when i click a link in the feed,the page suddenly reloads and loads up zombie slayer even though i wasn't playing zombie slayer at the time.

    something is defo screwy here.
  8. im the beast

    im the beast Member

    i never have any have these problems, maybe it is the internet or ur computers that is the problem. but i do have a real nice computer and the best internet i can get, just maybe thats the difference anyway hope yall find the problem and get it worked out
  9. im the beast

    im the beast Member

    i also wanted to say i run safari never have problem with any game or anything onless the internet is being slow
  10. PimpDaddyDuke

    PimpDaddyDuke Member

    To the fella with the problems, I am in Afghanistan and have the same issues. It is due to slow connectivity, also if you are using IE you will get that problem. Uploading Google Chrome has solved my issues with that, and I can see all jobs now. Try loading a new browser.

    As to this poster:

    "i never have any have these problems, maybe it is the internet or ur computers that is the problem. but i do have a real nice computer and the best internet i can get, just maybe thats the difference anyway hope yall find the problem and get it worked out"

    ---Laughable. Not dotting your I's on purpose? lol. And of course you use safari. That is how you are able to run all those 'extra programs'. We know...
  11. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    There was an issue between 6am-8am Pacific Time with the company that hosts our servers, it looks to only be affecting Zombie Slayer.

    We will update once everything is back to normal.
  12. bertusbolknak

    bertusbolknak New Member

    That is not it because when i switch to IE it works and when i use firefox on facebook it doesn't. And my Inter connection isn;t slow because my music is working just fine. So i believe it has something to do with facebook on Firefox
  13. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Any outdated/unnecessary firefox add-ons that may be causing some javascript issues?

    Do you get any errors in Firefox "Tools=>Error Console" while playing the game?

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